FSx class

Amazon FSx is a fully managed service that makes it easy for storage and application administrators to launch and use shared file storage.


FSx({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


associateFileSystemAliases({required List<String> aliases, required String fileSystemId, String? clientRequestToken}) Future<AssociateFileSystemAliasesResponse>
Use this action to associate one or more Domain Name Server (DNS) aliases with an existing Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system. A file systen can have a maximum of 50 DNS aliases associated with it at any one time. If you try to associate a DNS alias that is already associated with the file system, FSx takes no action on that alias in the request. For more information, see Working with DNS Aliases and Walkthrough 5: Using DNS aliases to access your file system, including additional steps you must take to be able to access your file system using a DNS alias.
cancelDataRepositoryTask({required String taskId}) Future<CancelDataRepositoryTaskResponse>
Cancels an existing Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository task if that task is in either the PENDING or EXECUTING state. When you cancel a task, Amazon FSx does the following.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createBackup({required String fileSystemId, String? clientRequestToken, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateBackupResponse>
Creates a backup of an existing Amazon FSx file system. Creating regular backups for your file system is a best practice, enabling you to restore a file system from a backup if an issue arises with the original file system.
createDataRepositoryTask({required String fileSystemId, required CompletionReport report, required DataRepositoryTaskType type, String? clientRequestToken, List<String>? paths, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateDataRepositoryTaskResponse>
Creates an Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository task. You use data repository tasks to perform bulk operations between your Amazon FSx file system and its linked data repository. An example of a data repository task is exporting any data and metadata changes, including POSIX metadata, to files, directories, and symbolic links (symlinks) from your FSx file system to its linked data repository. A CreateDataRepositoryTask operation will fail if a data repository is not linked to the FSx file system. To learn more about data repository tasks, see Data Repository Tasks. To learn more about linking a data repository to your file system, see Linking your file system to an S3 bucket.
createFileSystem({required FileSystemType fileSystemType, required int storageCapacity, required List<String> subnetIds, String? clientRequestToken, String? kmsKeyId, CreateFileSystemLustreConfiguration? lustreConfiguration, List<String>? securityGroupIds, StorageType? storageType, List<Tag>? tags, CreateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration? windowsConfiguration}) Future<CreateFileSystemResponse>
Creates a new, empty Amazon FSx file system.
createFileSystemFromBackup({required String backupId, required List<String> subnetIds, String? clientRequestToken, CreateFileSystemLustreConfiguration? lustreConfiguration, List<String>? securityGroupIds, StorageType? storageType, List<Tag>? tags, CreateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration? windowsConfiguration}) Future<CreateFileSystemFromBackupResponse>
Creates a new Amazon FSx file system from an existing Amazon FSx backup.
deleteBackup({required String backupId, String? clientRequestToken}) Future<DeleteBackupResponse>
Deletes an Amazon FSx backup, deleting its contents. After deletion, the backup no longer exists, and its data is gone.
deleteFileSystem({required String fileSystemId, String? clientRequestToken, DeleteFileSystemLustreConfiguration? lustreConfiguration, DeleteFileSystemWindowsConfiguration? windowsConfiguration}) Future<DeleteFileSystemResponse>
Deletes a file system, deleting its contents. After deletion, the file system no longer exists, and its data is gone. Any existing automatic backups will also be deleted.
describeBackups({List<String>? backupIds, List<Filter>? filters, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeBackupsResponse>
Returns the description of specific Amazon FSx backups, if a BackupIds value is provided for that backup. Otherwise, it returns all backups owned by your AWS account in the AWS Region of the endpoint that you're calling.
describeDataRepositoryTasks({List<DataRepositoryTaskFilter>? filters, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, List<String>? taskIds}) Future<DescribeDataRepositoryTasksResponse>
Returns the description of specific Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository tasks, if one or more TaskIds values are provided in the request, or if filters are used in the request. You can use filters to narrow the response to include just tasks for specific file systems, or tasks in a specific lifecycle state. Otherwise, it returns all data repository tasks owned by your AWS account in the AWS Region of the endpoint that you're calling.
describeFileSystemAliases({required String fileSystemId, String? clientRequestToken, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeFileSystemAliasesResponse>
Returns the DNS aliases that are associated with the specified Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system. A history of all DNS aliases that have been associated with and disassociated from the file system is available in the list of AdministrativeAction provided in the DescribeFileSystems operation response.
describeFileSystems({List<String>? fileSystemIds, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeFileSystemsResponse>
Returns the description of specific Amazon FSx file systems, if a FileSystemIds value is provided for that file system. Otherwise, it returns descriptions of all file systems owned by your AWS account in the AWS Region of the endpoint that you're calling.
disassociateFileSystemAliases({required List<String> aliases, required String fileSystemId, String? clientRequestToken}) Future<DisassociateFileSystemAliasesResponse>
Use this action to disassociate, or remove, one or more Domain Name Service (DNS) aliases from an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system. If you attempt to disassociate a DNS alias that is not associated with the file system, Amazon FSx responds with a 400 Bad Request. For more information, see Working with DNS Aliases.
listTagsForResource({required String resourceARN, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse>
Lists tags for an Amazon FSx file systems and backups in the case of Amazon FSx for Windows File Server.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
tagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<void>
Tags an Amazon FSx resource.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
untagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
This action removes a tag from an Amazon FSx resource.
updateFileSystem({required String fileSystemId, String? clientRequestToken, UpdateFileSystemLustreConfiguration? lustreConfiguration, int? storageCapacity, UpdateFileSystemWindowsConfiguration? windowsConfiguration}) Future<UpdateFileSystemResponse>
Use this operation to update the configuration of an existing Amazon FSx file system. You can update multiple properties in a single request.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.