deploymentType property

LustreDeploymentType? deploymentType

Choose SCRATCH_1 and SCRATCH_2 deployment types when you need temporary storage and shorter-term processing of data. The SCRATCH_2 deployment type provides in-transit encryption of data and higher burst throughput capacity than SCRATCH_1.

Choose PERSISTENT_1 deployment type for longer-term storage and workloads and encryption of data in transit. To learn more about deployment types, see FSx for Lustre Deployment Options.

Encryption of data in-transit is automatically enabled when you access a SCRATCH_2 or PERSISTENT_1 file system from Amazon EC2 instances that support this feature. (Default = SCRATCH_1)

Encryption of data in-transit for SCRATCH_2 and PERSISTENT_1 deployment types is supported when accessed from supported instance types in supported AWS Regions. To learn more, Encrypting Data in Transit.


final LustreDeploymentType? deploymentType;