Describes the compliance status for the account. An account is considered
noncompliant if it includes resources that are not protected by the
specified policy or that don't comply with the policy.
This is the AWS Firewall Manager API Reference. This guide is for
developers who need detailed information about the AWS Firewall Manager API
actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about AWS Firewall
Manager features, see the AWS
Firewall Manager Developer Guide.
Violation details for AWS Network Firewall for a firewall policy that has a
different NetworkFirewallPolicyDescription than is required by the
Firewall Manager policy.
Describes the noncompliant resources in a member account for a specific AWS
Firewall Manager policy. A maximum of 100 entries are displayed. If more
than 100 resources are noncompliant, EvaluationLimitExceeded is
set to True.
Indicates whether the account is compliant with the specified policy. An
account is considered noncompliant if it includes resources that are not
protected by the policy, for AWS WAF and Shield Advanced policies, or that
are noncompliant with the policy, for security group policies.
The resource tags that AWS Firewall Manager uses to determine if a
particular resource should be included or excluded from the AWS Firewall
Manager policy. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in
different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag
consists of a key and an optional value. Firewall Manager combines the tags
with "AND" so that, if you add more than one tag to a policy scope, a
resource must have all the specified tags to be included or excluded. For
more information, see Working
with Tag Editor.
A collection of key:value pairs associated with an AWS resource. The
key:value pair can be anything you define. Typically, the tag key represents
a category (such as "environment") and the tag value represents a specific
value within that category (such as "test," "development," or "production").
You can add up to 50 tags to each AWS resource.