paddingTolerance property

double? paddingTolerance

A number between 0 and 1 that defines the tolerance for block padding as a decimal fraction of stripe size. The default value is 0.05, which means 5 percent of stripe size.

For the default values of 64 MiB ORC stripes and 256 MiB HDFS blocks, the default block padding tolerance of 5 percent reserves a maximum of 3.2 MiB for padding within the 256 MiB block. In such a case, if the available size within the block is more than 3.2 MiB, a new, smaller stripe is inserted to fit within that space. This ensures that no stripe crosses block boundaries and causes remote reads within a node-local task.

Kinesis Data Firehose ignores this parameter when OrcSerDe$EnablePadding is false.


final double? paddingTolerance;