status property

NotebookExecutionStatus? status

The status of the notebook execution.

  • START_PENDING indicates that the cluster has received the execution request but execution has not begun.
  • STARTING indicates that the execution is starting on the cluster.
  • RUNNING indicates that the execution is being processed by the cluster.
  • FINISHING indicates that execution processing is in the final stages.
  • FINISHED indicates that the execution has completed without error.
  • FAILING indicates that the execution is failing and will not finish successfully.
  • FAILED indicates that the execution failed.
  • STOP_PENDING indicates that the cluster has received a StopNotebookExecution request and the stop is pending.
  • STOPPING indicates that the cluster is in the process of stopping the execution as a result of a StopNotebookExecution request.
  • STOPPED indicates that the execution stopped because of a StopNotebookExecution request.


final NotebookExecutionStatus? status;