requestedEc2SubnetIds property

List<String>? requestedEc2SubnetIds

Applies to clusters configured with the instance fleets option. Specifies the unique identifier of one or more Amazon EC2 subnets in which to launch EC2 cluster instances. Subnets must exist within the same VPC. Amazon EMR chooses the EC2 subnet with the best fit from among the list of RequestedEc2SubnetIds, and then launches all cluster instances within that Subnet. If this value is not specified, and the account and Region support EC2-Classic networks, the cluster launches instances in the EC2-Classic network and uses RequestedEc2AvailabilityZones instead of this setting. If EC2-Classic is not supported, and no Subnet is specified, Amazon EMR chooses the subnet for you. RequestedEc2SubnetIDs and RequestedEc2AvailabilityZones cannot be specified together.


final List<String>? requestedEc2SubnetIds;