elasticloadbalancingv2-2015-12-01 library
- Action
- Information about an action.
- AddListenerCertificatesOutput
- AddTagsOutput
- AuthenticateCognitoActionConfig
- Request parameters to use when integrating with Amazon Cognito to authenticate users.
- AuthenticateOidcActionConfig
- Request parameters when using an identity provider (IdP) that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate users.
- AvailabilityZone
- Information about an Availability Zone.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- Certificate
- Information about an SSL server certificate.
- Cipher
- Information about a cipher used in a policy.
- CreateListenerOutput
- CreateLoadBalancerOutput
- CreateRuleOutput
- CreateTargetGroupOutput
- DeleteListenerOutput
- DeleteLoadBalancerOutput
- DeleteRuleOutput
- DeleteTargetGroupOutput
- DeregisterTargetsOutput
- DescribeAccountLimitsOutput
- DescribeListenerCertificatesOutput
- DescribeListenersOutput
- DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput
- DescribeLoadBalancersOutput
- DescribeRulesOutput
- DescribeSSLPoliciesOutput
- DescribeTagsOutput
- DescribeTargetGroupAttributesOutput
- DescribeTargetGroupsOutput
- DescribeTargetHealthOutput
- ElasticLoadBalancingv2
- A load balancer distributes incoming traffic across targets, such as your EC2 instances. This enables you to increase the availability of your application. The load balancer also monitors the health of its registered targets and ensures that it routes traffic only to healthy targets. You configure your load balancer to accept incoming traffic by specifying one or more listeners, which are configured with a protocol and port number for connections from clients to the load balancer. You configure a target group with a protocol and port number for connections from the load balancer to the targets, and with health check settings to be used when checking the health status of the targets.
- FixedResponseActionConfig
- Information about an action that returns a custom HTTP response.
- ForwardActionConfig
- Information about a forward action.
- HostHeaderConditionConfig
- Information about a host header condition.
- HttpHeaderConditionConfig
- Information about an HTTP header condition.
- HttpRequestMethodConditionConfig
- Information about an HTTP method condition.
- Limit
- Information about an Elastic Load Balancing resource limit for your AWS account.
- Listener
- Information about a listener.
- LoadBalancer
- Information about a load balancer.
- LoadBalancerAddress
- Information about a static IP address for a load balancer.
- LoadBalancerAttribute
- Information about a load balancer attribute.
- LoadBalancerState
- Information about the state of the load balancer.
- Matcher
- The codes to use when checking for a successful response from a target. If the protocol version is gRPC, these are gRPC codes. Otherwise, these are HTTP codes.
- ModifyListenerOutput
- ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput
- ModifyRuleOutput
- ModifyTargetGroupAttributesOutput
- ModifyTargetGroupOutput
- PathPatternConditionConfig
- Information about a path pattern condition.
- QueryStringConditionConfig
- Information about a query string condition.
- QueryStringKeyValuePair
- Information about a key/value pair.
- RedirectActionConfig
- Information about a redirect action.
- RegisterTargetsOutput
- RemoveListenerCertificatesOutput
- RemoveTagsOutput
- Rule
- Information about a rule.
- RuleCondition
- Information about a condition for a rule.
- RulePriorityPair
- Information about the priorities for the rules for a listener.
- SetIpAddressTypeOutput
- SetRulePrioritiesOutput
- SetSecurityGroupsOutput
- SetSubnetsOutput
- SourceIpConditionConfig
- Information about a source IP condition.
- SslPolicy
- Information about a policy used for SSL negotiation.
- SubnetMapping
- Information about a subnet mapping.
- Tag
- Information about a tag.
- TagDescription
- The tags associated with a resource.
- TargetDescription
- Information about a target.
- TargetGroup
- Information about a target group.
- TargetGroupAttribute
- Information about a target group attribute.
- TargetGroupStickinessConfig
- Information about the target group stickiness for a rule.
- TargetGroupTuple
- Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.
- TargetHealth
- Information about the current health of a target.
- TargetHealthDescription
- Information about the health of a target.
- ActionTypeEnumFromString on String
- ActionTypeEnumValueExtension on ActionTypeEnum
- AuthenticateCognitoActionConditionalBehaviorEnumFromString on String
- AuthenticateCognitoActionConditionalBehaviorEnumValueExtension on AuthenticateCognitoActionConditionalBehaviorEnum
- AuthenticateOidcActionConditionalBehaviorEnumFromString on String
- AuthenticateOidcActionConditionalBehaviorEnumValueExtension on AuthenticateOidcActionConditionalBehaviorEnum
- IpAddressTypeFromString on String
- IpAddressTypeValueExtension on IpAddressType
- LoadBalancerSchemeEnumFromString on String
- LoadBalancerSchemeEnumValueExtension on LoadBalancerSchemeEnum
- LoadBalancerStateEnumFromString on String
- LoadBalancerStateEnumValueExtension on LoadBalancerStateEnum
- LoadBalancerTypeEnumFromString on String
- LoadBalancerTypeEnumValueExtension on LoadBalancerTypeEnum
- ProtocolEnumFromString on String
- ProtocolEnumValueExtension on ProtocolEnum
- RedirectActionStatusCodeEnumFromString on String
- RedirectActionStatusCodeEnumValueExtension on RedirectActionStatusCodeEnum
- TargetHealthReasonEnumFromString on String
- TargetHealthReasonEnumValueExtension on TargetHealthReasonEnum
- TargetHealthStateEnumFromString on String
- TargetHealthStateEnumValueExtension on TargetHealthStateEnum
- TargetTypeEnumFromString on String
- TargetTypeEnumValueExtension on TargetTypeEnum
Exceptions / Errors
- AllocationIdNotFoundException
- ALPNPolicyNotSupportedException
- AvailabilityZoneNotSupportedException
- CertificateNotFoundException
- DuplicateListenerException
- DuplicateLoadBalancerNameException
- DuplicateTagKeysException
- DuplicateTargetGroupNameException
- IncompatibleProtocolsException
- InvalidConfigurationRequestException
- InvalidLoadBalancerActionException
- InvalidSchemeException
- InvalidSecurityGroupException
- InvalidSubnetException
- InvalidTargetException
- ListenerNotFoundException
- LoadBalancerNotFoundException
- OperationNotPermittedException
- PriorityInUseException
- ResourceInUseException
- RuleNotFoundException
- SSLPolicyNotFoundException
- SubnetNotFoundException
- TargetGroupAssociationLimitException
- TargetGroupNotFoundException
- TooManyActionsException
- TooManyCertificatesException
- TooManyListenersException
- TooManyLoadBalancersException
- TooManyRegistrationsForTargetIdException
- TooManyRulesException
- TooManyTagsException
- TooManyTargetGroupsException
- TooManyTargetsException
- TooManyUniqueTargetGroupsPerLoadBalancerException
- UnsupportedProtocolException