deleteTargetGroup method

Future<void> deleteTargetGroup({
  1. required String targetGroupArn,

Deletes the specified target group.

You can delete a target group if it is not referenced by any actions. Deleting a target group also deletes any associated health checks. Deleting a target group does not affect its registered targets. For example, any EC2 instances continue to run until you stop or terminate them.

May throw ResourceInUseException.

Parameter targetGroupArn : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group.


Future<void> deleteTargetGroup({
  required String targetGroupArn,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(targetGroupArn, 'targetGroupArn');
  final $request = <String, dynamic>{};
  $request['TargetGroupArn'] = targetGroupArn;
  await _protocol.send(
    action: 'DeleteTargetGroup',
    version: '2015-12-01',
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    shape: shapes['DeleteTargetGroupInput'],
    shapes: shapes,
    resultWrapper: 'DeleteTargetGroupResult',