outputKeys property

List<String>? outputKeys

For each output in this job that you want to include in a master playlist, the value of the Outputs:Key object.

  • If your output is not HLS or does not have a segment duration set, the name of the output file is a concatenation of OutputKeyPrefix and Outputs:Key:


  • If your output is HLSv3 and has a segment duration set, or is not included in a playlist, Elastic Transcoder creates an output playlist file with a file extension of .m3u8, and a series of .ts files that include a five-digit sequential counter beginning with 00000:



  • If your output is HLSv4, has a segment duration set, and is included in an HLSv4 playlist, Elastic Transcoder creates an output playlist file with a file extension of _v4.m3u8. If the output is video, Elastic Transcoder also creates an output file with an extension of _iframe.m3u8:




Elastic Transcoder automatically appends the relevant file extension to the file name. If you include a file extension in Output Key, the file name will have two extensions.

If you include more than one output in a playlist, any segment duration settings, clip settings, or caption settings must be the same for all outputs in the playlist. For Smooth playlists, the Audio:Profile, Video:Profile, and Video:FrameRate to Video:KeyframesMaxDist ratio must be the same for all outputs.


final List<String>? outputKeys;