status property

String? status

The status of one output in a job. If you specified only one output for the job, Outputs:Status is always the same as Job:Status. If you specified more than one output:

  • Job:Status and Outputs:Status for all of the outputs is Submitted until Elastic Transcoder starts to process the first output.
  • When Elastic Transcoder starts to process the first output, Outputs:Status for that output and Job:Status both change to Progressing. For each output, the value of Outputs:Status remains Submitted until Elastic Transcoder starts to process the output.
  • Job:Status remains Progressing until all of the outputs reach a terminal status, either Complete or Error.
  • When all of the outputs reach a terminal status, Job:Status changes to Complete only if Outputs:Status for all of the outputs is Complete. If Outputs:Status for one or more outputs is Error, the terminal status for Job:Status is also Error.
The value of Status is one of the following: Submitted, Progressing, Complete, Canceled, or Error.


final String? status;