thumbnailPattern property

String? thumbnailPattern

Whether you want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails for your videos and, if so, how you want Elastic Transcoder to name the files.

If you don't want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails, specify "".

If you do want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails, specify the information that you want to include in the file name for each thumbnail. You can specify the following values in any sequence:

  • {count} (Required): If you want to create thumbnails, you must include {count} in the ThumbnailPattern object. Wherever you specify {count}, Elastic Transcoder adds a five-digit sequence number (beginning with 00001) to thumbnail file names. The number indicates where a given thumbnail appears in the sequence of thumbnails for a transcoded file.
  • Literal values (Optional): You can specify literal values anywhere in the ThumbnailPattern object. For example, you can include them as a file name prefix or as a delimiter between {resolution} and {count}.
  • {resolution} (Optional): If you want Elastic Transcoder to include the resolution in the file name, include {resolution} in the ThumbnailPattern object.
When creating thumbnails, Elastic Transcoder automatically saves the files in the format (.jpg or .png) that appears in the preset that you specified in the PresetID value of CreateJobOutput. Elastic Transcoder also appends the applicable file name extension.


final String? thumbnailPattern;