format property

String? format

The format you specify determines whether Elastic Transcoder generates an embedded or sidecar caption for this output.

  • Valid Embedded Caption Formats:
    • for FLAC: None
    • For MP3: None
    • For MP4: mov-text
    • For MPEG-TS: None
    • For ogg: None
    • For webm: None
  • Valid Sidecar Caption Formats: Elastic Transcoder supports dfxp (first div element only), scc, srt, and webvtt. If you want ttml or smpte-tt compatible captions, specify dfxp as your output format.
    • For FMP4: dfxp
    • Non-FMP4 outputs: All sidecar types
    fmp4 captions have an extension of .ismt


final String? format;