audioPackingMode property

String? audioPackingMode

The method of organizing audio channels and tracks. Use Audio:Channels to specify the number of channels in your output, and Audio:AudioPackingMode to specify the number of tracks and their relation to the channels. If you do not specify an Audio:AudioPackingMode, Elastic Transcoder uses SingleTrack.

The following values are valid:

SingleTrack, OneChannelPerTrack, and OneChannelPerTrackWithMosTo8Tracks

When you specify SingleTrack, Elastic Transcoder creates a single track for your output. The track can have up to eight channels. Use SingleTrack for all non-mxf containers.

The outputs of SingleTrack for a specific channel value and inputs are as follows:

  • 0 channels with any input: Audio omitted from the output
  • 1, 2, or auto channels with no audio input: Audio omitted from the output
  • 1 channel with any input with audio: One track with one channel, downmixed if necessary
  • 2 channels with one track with one channel: One track with two identical channels
  • 2 or auto channels with two tracks with one channel each: One track with two channels
  • 2 or auto channels with one track with two channels: One track with two channels
  • 2 channels with one track with multiple channels: One track with two channels
  • auto channels with one track with one channel: One track with one channel
  • auto channels with one track with multiple channels: One track with multiple channels
When you specify OneChannelPerTrack, Elastic Transcoder creates a new track for every channel in your output. Your output can have up to eight single-channel tracks.

The outputs of OneChannelPerTrack for a specific channel value and inputs are as follows:

  • 0 channels with any input: Audio omitted from the output
  • 1, 2, or auto channels with no audio input: Audio omitted from the output
  • 1 channel with any input with audio: One track with one channel, downmixed if necessary
  • 2 channels with one track with one channel: Two tracks with one identical channel each
  • 2 or auto channels with two tracks with one channel each: Two tracks with one channel each
  • 2 or auto channels with one track with two channels: Two tracks with one channel each
  • 2 channels with one track with multiple channels: Two tracks with one channel each
  • auto channels with one track with one channel: One track with one channel
  • auto channels with one track with multiple channels: Up to eight tracks with one channel each
When you specify OneChannelPerTrackWithMosTo8Tracks, Elastic Transcoder creates eight single-channel tracks for your output. All tracks that do not contain audio data from an input channel are MOS, or Mit Out Sound, tracks.

The outputs of OneChannelPerTrackWithMosTo8Tracks for a specific channel value and inputs are as follows:

  • 0 channels with any input: Audio omitted from the output
  • 1, 2, or auto channels with no audio input: Audio omitted from the output
  • 1 channel with any input with audio: One track with one channel, downmixed if necessary, plus six MOS tracks
  • 2 channels with one track with one channel: Two tracks with one identical channel each, plus six MOS tracks
  • 2 or auto channels with two tracks with one channel each: Two tracks with one channel each, plus six MOS tracks
  • 2 or auto channels with one track with two channels: Two tracks with one channel each, plus six MOS tracks
  • 2 channels with one track with multiple channels: Two tracks with one channel each, plus six MOS tracks
  • auto channels with one track with one channel: One track with one channel, plus seven MOS tracks
  • auto channels with one track with multiple channels: Up to eight tracks with one channel each, plus MOS tracks until there are eight tracks in all


final String? audioPackingMode;