elastic-inference-2017-07-25 library
- AcceleratorType
- The details of an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.
- AcceleratorTypeOffering
- The offering for an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- DescribeAcceleratorOfferingsResponse
- DescribeAcceleratorsResponse
- DescribeAcceleratorTypesResponse
- ElasticInference
- Elastic Inference public APIs.
- ElasticInferenceAccelerator
- The details of an Elastic Inference Accelerator.
- ElasticInferenceAcceleratorHealth
- The health details of an Elastic Inference Accelerator.
- Filter
- A filter expression for the Elastic Inference Accelerator list.
- KeyValuePair
- A throughput entry for an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.
- ListTagsForResourceResult
- MemoryInfo
- The memory information of an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.
- TagResourceResult
- UntagResourceResult