logConfiguration property

LogConfiguration? logConfiguration

The log configuration specification for the container.

This parameter maps to LogConfig in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --log-driver option to docker run. By default, containers use the same logging driver that the Docker daemon uses. However the container may use a different logging driver than the Docker daemon by specifying a log driver with this parameter in the container definition. To use a different logging driver for a container, the log system must be configured properly on the container instance (or on a different log server for remote logging options). For more information on the options for different supported log drivers, see Configure logging drivers in the Docker documentation. This parameter requires version 1.18 of the Docker Remote API or greater on your container instance. To check the Docker Remote API version on your container instance, log in to your container instance and run the following command: sudo docker version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}'


final LogConfiguration? logConfiguration;