dockerSecurityOptions property

List<String>? dockerSecurityOptions

A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems. This field is not valid for containers in tasks using the Fargate launch type.

With Windows containers, this parameter can be used to reference a credential spec file when configuring a container for Active Directory authentication. For more information, see Using gMSAs for Windows Containers in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

This parameter maps to SecurityOpt in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --security-opt option to docker run. For more information about valid values, see Docker Run Security Configuration.

Valid values: "no-new-privileges" | "apparmor:PROFILE" | "label:value" | "credentialspec:CredentialSpecFilePath"


final List<String>? dockerSecurityOptions;