ecr-2015-09-21 library
- Attribute
- This data type is used in the ImageScanFinding data type.
- AuthorizationData
- An object representing authorization data for an Amazon ECR registry.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- BatchCheckLayerAvailabilityResponse
- BatchDeleteImageResponse
- BatchGetImageResponse
- CompleteLayerUploadResponse
- CreateRepositoryResponse
- DeleteLifecyclePolicyResponse
- DeleteRegistryPolicyResponse
- DeleteRepositoryPolicyResponse
- DeleteRepositoryResponse
- DescribeImageScanFindingsResponse
- DescribeImagesFilter
- An object representing a filter on a DescribeImages operation.
- DescribeImagesResponse
- DescribeRegistryResponse
- DescribeRepositoriesResponse
- Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a managed container image registry service. Customers can use the familiar Docker CLI, or their preferred client, to push, pull, and manage images. Amazon ECR provides a secure, scalable, and reliable registry for your Docker or Open Container Initiative (OCI) images. Amazon ECR supports private repositories with resource-based permissions using IAM so that specific users or Amazon EC2 instances can access repositories and images.
- EncryptionConfiguration
- The encryption configuration for the repository. This determines how the contents of your repository are encrypted at rest.
- GetAuthorizationTokenResponse
- GetDownloadUrlForLayerResponse
- GetLifecyclePolicyPreviewResponse
- GetLifecyclePolicyResponse
- GetRegistryPolicyResponse
- GetRepositoryPolicyResponse
- Image
- An object representing an Amazon ECR image.
- ImageDetail
- An object that describes an image returned by a DescribeImages operation.
- ImageFailure
- An object representing an Amazon ECR image failure.
- ImageIdentifier
- An object with identifying information for an Amazon ECR image.
- ImageScanFinding
- Contains information about an image scan finding.
- ImageScanFindings
- The details of an image scan.
- ImageScanFindingsSummary
- A summary of the last completed image scan.
- ImageScanningConfiguration
- The image scanning configuration for a repository.
- ImageScanStatus
- The current status of an image scan.
- InitiateLayerUploadResponse
- Layer
- An object representing an Amazon ECR image layer.
- LayerFailure
- An object representing an Amazon ECR image layer failure.
- LifecyclePolicyPreviewFilter
- The filter for the lifecycle policy preview.
- LifecyclePolicyPreviewResult
- The result of the lifecycle policy preview.
- LifecyclePolicyPreviewSummary
- The summary of the lifecycle policy preview request.
- LifecyclePolicyRuleAction
- The type of action to be taken.
- ListImagesFilter
- An object representing a filter on a ListImages operation.
- ListImagesResponse
- ListTagsForResourceResponse
- PutImageResponse
- PutImageScanningConfigurationResponse
- PutImageTagMutabilityResponse
- PutLifecyclePolicyResponse
- PutRegistryPolicyResponse
- PutReplicationConfigurationResponse
- ReplicationConfiguration
- The replication configuration for a registry.
- ReplicationDestination
- An array of objects representing the details of a replication destination.
- ReplicationRule
- An array of objects representing the replication destinations for a replication configuration. A replication configuration may contain only one replication rule but the rule may contain one or more replication destinations.
- Repository
- An object representing a repository.
- SetRepositoryPolicyResponse
- StartImageScanResponse
- StartLifecyclePolicyPreviewResponse
- Tag
- The metadata that you apply to a resource to help you categorize and organize them. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
- TagResourceResponse
- UntagResourceResponse
- UploadLayerPartResponse
- EncryptionTypeFromString on String
- EncryptionTypeValueExtension on EncryptionType
- FindingSeverityFromString on String
- FindingSeverityValueExtension on FindingSeverity
- ImageActionTypeFromString on String
- ImageActionTypeValueExtension on ImageActionType
- ImageFailureCodeFromString on String
- ImageFailureCodeValueExtension on ImageFailureCode
- ImageTagMutabilityFromString on String
- ImageTagMutabilityValueExtension on ImageTagMutability
- LayerAvailabilityFromString on String
- LayerAvailabilityValueExtension on LayerAvailability
- LayerFailureCodeFromString on String
- LayerFailureCodeValueExtension on LayerFailureCode
- LifecyclePolicyPreviewStatusFromString on String
- LifecyclePolicyPreviewStatusValueExtension on LifecyclePolicyPreviewStatus
- ScanStatusFromString on String
- ScanStatusValueExtension on ScanStatus
- TagStatusFromString on String
- TagStatusValueExtension on TagStatus
Exceptions / Errors
- EmptyUploadException
- ImageAlreadyExistsException
- ImageDigestDoesNotMatchException
- ImageNotFoundException
- ImageTagAlreadyExistsException
- InvalidLayerException
- InvalidLayerPartException
- InvalidParameterException
- InvalidTagParameterException
- KmsException
- LayerAlreadyExistsException
- LayerInaccessibleException
- LayerPartTooSmallException
- LayersNotFoundException
- LifecyclePolicyNotFoundException
- LifecyclePolicyPreviewInProgressException
- LifecyclePolicyPreviewNotFoundException
- LimitExceededException
- ReferencedImagesNotFoundException
- RegistryPolicyNotFoundException
- RepositoryAlreadyExistsException
- RepositoryNotEmptyException
- RepositoryNotFoundException
- RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException
- ScanNotFoundException
- ServerException
- TooManyTagsException
- UnsupportedImageTypeException
- UploadNotFoundException
- ValidationException