getItem method
Retrieves a set of Attributes for an item that matches the primary key.
The GetItem
operation provides an eventually-consistent read
by default. If eventually-consistent reads are not acceptable for your
application, use ConsistentRead
. Although this operation
might take longer than a standard read, it always returns the last updated
May throw ProvisionedThroughputExceededException. May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw RequestLimitExceeded. May throw InternalServerError.
Parameter tableName
The name of the table in which you want to get an item. Allowed characters
are a-z
, A-Z
, 0-9
, _
(underscore), -
(hyphen) and .
Future<GetItemOutput> getItem({
required Key key,
required String tableName,
List<String>? attributesToGet,
bool? consistentRead,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(key, 'key');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(tableName, 'tableName');
isRequired: true,
final headers = <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0',
'X-Amz-Target': 'DynamoDB_20111205.GetItem'
final jsonResponse = await _protocol.send(
method: 'POST',
requestUri: '/',
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
// TODO queryParams
headers: headers,
payload: {
'Key': key,
'TableName': tableName,
if (attributesToGet != null) 'AttributesToGet': attributesToGet,
if (consistentRead != null) 'ConsistentRead': consistentRead,
return GetItemOutput.fromJson(jsonResponse.body);