validationState property

String? validationState

The validation state of the table.

This parameter can have the following values:

  • Not enabled – Validation isn't enabled for the table in the migration task.
  • Pending records – Some records in the table are waiting for validation.
  • Mismatched records – Some records in the table don't match between the source and target.
  • Suspended records – Some records in the table couldn't be validated.
  • No primary key –The table couldn't be validated because it has no primary key.
  • Table error – The table wasn't validated because it's in an error state and some data wasn't migrated.
  • Validated – All rows in the table are validated. If the table is updated, the status can change from Validated.
  • Error – The table couldn't be validated because of an unexpected error.
  • Pending validation – The table is waiting validation.
  • Preparing table – Preparing the table enabled in the migration task for validation.
  • Pending revalidation – All rows in the table are pending validation after the table was updated.


final String? validationState;