timestampColumnName property

String? timestampColumnName

A value that when nonblank causes AWS DMS to add a column with timestamp information to the endpoint data for an Amazon S3 target. DMS includes an additional STRING column in the .csv or .parquet object files of your migrated data when you set TimestampColumnName to a nonblank value.

For a full load, each row of this timestamp column contains a timestamp for when the data was transferred from the source to the target by DMS.

For a change data capture (CDC) load, each row of the timestamp column contains the timestamp for the commit of that row in the source database.

The string format for this timestamp column value is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS. By default, the precision of this value is in microseconds. For a CDC load, the rounding of the precision depends on the commit timestamp supported by DMS for the source database.

When the AddColumnName parameter is set to true, DMS also includes a name for the timestamp column that you set with TimestampColumnName.


final String? timestampColumnName;