tagResource method
Associates a set of tags with a DAX resource. You can call
up to 5 times per second, per account.
May throw ClusterNotFoundFault. May throw TagQuotaPerResourceExceeded. May throw InvalidARNFault. May throw InvalidClusterStateFault. May throw ServiceLinkedRoleNotFoundFault. May throw InvalidParameterValueException. May throw InvalidParameterCombinationException.
Parameter resourceName
The name of the DAX resource to which tags should be added.
Parameter tags
The tags to be assigned to the DAX resource.
Future<TagResourceResponse> tagResource({
required String resourceName,
required List<Tag> tags,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(resourceName, 'resourceName');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(tags, 'tags');
final headers = <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
'X-Amz-Target': 'AmazonDAXV3.TagResource'
final jsonResponse = await _protocol.send(
method: 'POST',
requestUri: '/',
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
// TODO queryParams
headers: headers,
payload: {
'ResourceName': resourceName,
'Tags': tags,
return TagResourceResponse.fromJson(jsonResponse.body);