DataSync class
AWS DataSync is a managed data transfer service that makes it simpler for you to automate moving data between on-premises storage and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS).
- DataSync({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
{required String taskExecutionArn}) → Future< void> - Cancels execution of a task.
) → void - Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
{required String activationKey, String? agentName, List< String> ? securityGroupArns, List<String> ? subnetArns, List<TagListEntry> ? tags, String? vpcEndpointId}) → Future<CreateAgentResponse> - Activates an AWS DataSync agent that you have deployed on your host. The activation process associates your agent with your account. In the activation process, you specify information such as the AWS Region that you want to activate the agent in. You activate the agent in the AWS Region where your target locations (in Amazon S3 or Amazon EFS) reside. Your tasks are created in this AWS Region.
{required Ec2Config ec2Config, required String efsFilesystemArn, String? subdirectory, List< TagListEntry> ? tags}) → Future<CreateLocationEfsResponse> - Creates an endpoint for an Amazon EFS file system.
{required String fsxFilesystemArn, required String password, required List< String> securityGroupArns, required String user, String? domain, String? subdirectory, List<TagListEntry> ? tags}) → Future<CreateLocationFsxWindowsResponse> - Creates an endpoint for an Amazon FSx for Windows file system.
{required OnPremConfig onPremConfig, required String serverHostname, required String subdirectory, NfsMountOptions? mountOptions, List< TagListEntry> ? tags}) → Future<CreateLocationNfsResponse> - Defines a file system on a Network File System (NFS) server that can be read from or written to.
{required List< String> agentArns, required String bucketName, required String serverHostname, String? accessKey, String? secretKey, int? serverPort, ObjectStorageServerProtocol? serverProtocol, String? subdirectory, List<TagListEntry> ? tags}) → Future<CreateLocationObjectStorageResponse> - Creates an endpoint for a self-managed object storage bucket. For more information about self-managed object storage locations, see create-object-location.
{required String s3BucketArn, required S3Config s3Config, List< String> ? agentArns, S3StorageClass? s3StorageClass, String? subdirectory, List<TagListEntry> ? tags}) → Future<CreateLocationS3Response> - Creates an endpoint for an Amazon S3 bucket.
{required List< String> agentArns, required String password, required String serverHostname, required String subdirectory, required String user, String? domain, SmbMountOptions? mountOptions, List<TagListEntry> ? tags}) → Future<CreateLocationSmbResponse> - Defines a file system on a Server Message Block (SMB) server that can be read from or written to.
{required String destinationLocationArn, required String sourceLocationArn, String? cloudWatchLogGroupArn, List< FilterRule> ? excludes, String? name, Options? options, TaskSchedule? schedule, List<TagListEntry> ? tags}) → Future<CreateTaskResponse> - Creates a task. A task is a set of two locations (source and destination) and a set of Options that you use to control the behavior of a task. If you don't specify Options when you create a task, AWS DataSync populates them with service defaults.
{required String agentArn}) → Future< void> - Deletes an agent. To specify which agent to delete, use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent in your request. The operation disassociates the agent from your AWS account. However, it doesn't delete the agent virtual machine (VM) from your on-premises environment.
{required String locationArn}) → Future< void> - Deletes the configuration of a location used by AWS DataSync.
{required String taskArn}) → Future< void> - Deletes a task.
{required String agentArn}) → Future< DescribeAgentResponse> - Returns metadata such as the name, the network interfaces, and the status (that is, whether the agent is running or not) for an agent. To specify which agent to describe, use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent in your request.
{required String locationArn}) → Future< DescribeLocationEfsResponse> - Returns metadata, such as the path information about an Amazon EFS location.
{required String locationArn}) → Future< DescribeLocationFsxWindowsResponse> - Returns metadata, such as the path information about an Amazon FSx for Windows location.
{required String locationArn}) → Future< DescribeLocationNfsResponse> - Returns metadata, such as the path information, about an NFS location.
{required String locationArn}) → Future< DescribeLocationObjectStorageResponse> - Returns metadata about a self-managed object storage server location. For more information about self-managed object storage locations, see create-object-location.
{required String locationArn}) → Future< DescribeLocationS3Response> - Returns metadata, such as bucket name, about an Amazon S3 bucket location.
{required String locationArn}) → Future< DescribeLocationSmbResponse> - Returns metadata, such as the path and user information about an SMB location.
{required String taskArn}) → Future< DescribeTaskResponse> - Returns metadata about a task.
{required String taskExecutionArn}) → Future< DescribeTaskExecutionResponse> - Returns detailed metadata about a task that is being executed.
{int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) → Future< ListAgentsResponse> - Returns a list of agents owned by an AWS account in the AWS Region specified in the request. The returned list is ordered by agent Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
{List< LocationFilter> ? filters, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) → Future<ListLocationsResponse> - Returns a list of source and destination locations.
{required String resourceArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) → Future< ListTagsForResourceResponse> - Returns all the tags associated with a specified resource.
{int? maxResults, String? nextToken, String? taskArn}) → Future< ListTaskExecutionsResponse> - Returns a list of executed tasks.
{List< TaskFilter> ? filters, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) → Future<ListTasksResponse> - Returns a list of all the tasks.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
{required String taskArn, List< FilterRule> ? includes, Options? overrideOptions}) → Future<StartTaskExecutionResponse> -
Starts a specific invocation of a task. A
value represents an individual run of a task. Each task can have at most oneTaskExecution
at a time. -
{required String resourceArn, required List< TagListEntry> tags}) → Future<void> - Applies a key-value pair to an AWS resource.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
{required List< String> keys, required String resourceArn}) → Future<void> - Removes a tag from an AWS resource.
{required String agentArn, String? name}) → Future< void> - Updates the name of an agent.
{required String taskArn, String? cloudWatchLogGroupArn, List< FilterRule> ? excludes, String? name, Options? options, TaskSchedule? schedule}) → Future<void> - Updates the metadata associated with a task.
{required Options options, required String taskExecutionArn}) → Future< void> - Updates execution of a task.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.