fromIni function

Future<AwsClientCredentials?> fromIni({
  1. bool preferStaticCredentials = false,
  2. Client? client,
  3. String? preferredProfile,

Creates a credential provider that will read from ini files and supports role assumption and multi-factor authentication.


Future<AwsClientCredentials?> fromIni({
  bool preferStaticCredentials = false,
  Client? client,
  String? preferredProfile,
}) async {
  final environment = Platform.environment;
  final profiles = _getProfilesFromSharedConfig();

  final profileName =
      preferredProfile ?? environment['AWS_PROFILE'] ?? 'default';

  final profile = profiles?[profileName];

  if (profile == null) {
    return null;

  final secretKey =
      profile['aws_secret_access_key'] ?? profile['aws_access_secret_key'];
  final accessKey = profile['aws_access_key_id'];

    In the CLI, the presence of both a role_arn and static credentials have
    different meanings depending on how many profiles have been visited. For
    the first profile processed, role_arn takes precedence over any static
    credentials, but for all subsequent profiles, static credentials are
    used if present, and only in their absence will the profile's
    source_profile and role_arn keys be used to load another set of
    credentials. This var is intended to yield compatible behaviour in this
  final preferStaticCredentialsToRoleArn =
      preferStaticCredentials && secretKey != null && accessKey != null;

  if (profile['role_arn'] != null && !preferStaticCredentialsToRoleArn) {
    return _loadRoleProfile(profiles!, profile, profileName, client);

  if (secretKey == null) {
    print('profile [$profileName] does not contain "aws_secret_access_key"');
    return null;

  if (accessKey == null) {
    print('profile [$profileName] does not contain "aws_access_key_id"');
    return null;

  final sessionToken = profile['aws_session_token'];

  return AwsClientCredentials(
    accessKey: accessKey,
    secretKey: secretKey,
    sessionToken: sessionToken,