connect-2017-08-08 library
- AssociateInstanceStorageConfigResponse
- AssociateSecurityKeyResponse
- Attribute
- A toggle for an individual feature at the instance level.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- ChatMessage
- A chat message.
- Connect
- Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center solution that makes it easy to set up and manage a customer contact center and provide reliable customer engagement at any scale.
- ContactFlow
- Contains information about a contact flow.
- ContactFlowSummary
- Contains summary information about a contact flow.
- CreateContactFlowResponse
- CreateInstanceResponse
- CreateIntegrationAssociationResponse
- CreateQuickConnectResponse
- CreateRoutingProfileResponse
- CreateUseCaseResponse
- CreateUserHierarchyGroupResponse
- CreateUserResponse
- Credentials
- Contains credentials to use for federation.
- CurrentMetric
- Contains information about a real-time metric. For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
- CurrentMetricData
- Contains the data for a real-time metric.
- CurrentMetricResult
- Contains information about a set of real-time metrics.
- DescribeContactFlowResponse
- DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse
- DescribeInstanceResponse
- DescribeInstanceStorageConfigResponse
- DescribeQuickConnectResponse
- DescribeRoutingProfileResponse
- DescribeUserHierarchyGroupResponse
- DescribeUserHierarchyStructureResponse
- DescribeUserResponse
- Dimensions
- Contains information about the dimensions for a set of metrics.
- EncryptionConfig
- The encryption configuration.
- Filters
- Contains the filter to apply when retrieving metrics.
- GetContactAttributesResponse
- GetCurrentMetricDataResponse
- GetFederationTokenResponse
- GetMetricDataResponse
- HierarchyGroup
- Contains information about a hierarchy group.
- HierarchyGroupSummary
- Contains summary information about a hierarchy group.
- HierarchyLevel
- Contains information about a hierarchy level.
- HierarchyLevelUpdate
- Contains information about the hierarchy level to update.
- HierarchyPath
- Contains information about the levels of a hierarchy group.
- HierarchyStructure
- Contains information about a hierarchy structure.
- HierarchyStructureUpdate
- Contains information about the level hierarchy to update.
- HistoricalMetric
- Contains information about a historical metric. For a description of each metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
- HistoricalMetricData
- Contains the data for a historical metric.
- HistoricalMetricResult
- Contains information about the historical metrics retrieved.
- HoursOfOperationSummary
- Contains summary information about hours of operation for a contact center.
- Instance
- The Amazon Connect instance.
- InstanceStatusReason
- Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.
- InstanceStorageConfig
- The storage configuration for the instance.
- InstanceSummary
- Information about the instance.
- IntegrationAssociationSummary
- Contains summary information about the associated AppIntegrations.
- KinesisFirehoseConfig
- Configuration information of a Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
- KinesisStreamConfig
- Configuration information of a Kinesis data stream.
- KinesisVideoStreamConfig
- Configuration information of a Kinesis video stream.
- LexBot
- Configuration information of an Amazon Lex bot.
- ListApprovedOriginsResponse
- ListContactFlowsResponse
- ListHoursOfOperationsResponse
- ListInstanceAttributesResponse
- ListInstancesResponse
- ListInstanceStorageConfigsResponse
- ListIntegrationAssociationsResponse
- ListLambdaFunctionsResponse
- ListLexBotsResponse
- ListPhoneNumbersResponse
- ListPromptsResponse
- ListQueuesResponse
- ListQuickConnectsResponse
- ListRoutingProfileQueuesResponse
- ListRoutingProfilesResponse
- ListSecurityKeysResponse
- ListSecurityProfilesResponse
- ListTagsForResourceResponse
- ListUseCasesResponse
- ListUserHierarchyGroupsResponse
- ListUsersResponse
- MediaConcurrency
- Contains information about which channels are supported, and how many contacts an agent can have on a channel simultaneously.
- ParticipantDetails
- The customer's details.
- PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig
- Contains information about a phone number for a quick connect.
- PhoneNumberSummary
- Contains summary information about a phone number for a contact center.
- PromptSummary
- Contains information about the prompt.
- QueueQuickConnectConfig
- Contains information about a queue for a quick connect. The contact flow must be of type Transfer to Queue.
- QueueReference
- Contains information about a queue resource for which metrics are returned.
- QueueSummary
- Contains summary information about a queue.
- QuickConnect
- Contains information about a quick connect.
- QuickConnectConfig
- Contains configuration settings for a quick connect.
- QuickConnectSummary
- Contains summary information about a quick connect.
- Reference
- A link that an agent selects to complete a given task. You can have up to 4,096 UTF-8 bytes across all references for a contact.
- ResumeContactRecordingResponse
- RoutingProfile
- Contains information about a routing profile.
- RoutingProfileQueueConfig
- Contains information about the queue and channel for which priority and delay can be set.
- RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary
- Contains summary information about a routing profile queue.
- RoutingProfileQueueReference
- Contains the channel and queue identifier for a routing profile.
- RoutingProfileSummary
- Contains summary information about a routing profile.
- S3Config
- Information about the S3 storage type.
- SecurityKey
- Configuration information of the security key.
- SecurityProfileSummary
- Contains information about a security profile.
- StartChatContactResponse
- StartContactRecordingResponse
- StartOutboundVoiceContactResponse
- StartTaskContactResponse
- StopContactRecordingResponse
- StopContactResponse
- SuspendContactRecordingResponse
- Threshold
- Contains information about the threshold for service level metrics.
- UpdateContactAttributesResponse
- UseCase
- Contains the use case.
- User
- Contains information about a user account for a Amazon Connect instance.
- UserIdentityInfo
- Contains information about the identity of a user.
- UserPhoneConfig
- Contains information about the phone configuration settings for a user.
- UserQuickConnectConfig
- Contains information about the quick connect configuration settings for a user. The contact flow must be of type Transfer to Agent.
- UserSummary
- Contains summary information about a user.
- VoiceRecordingConfiguration
- Contains information about the recording configuration settings.
- Channel
- Comparison
- ContactFlowType
- CurrentMetricName
- The current metric names.
- DirectoryType
- EncryptionType
- Grouping
- HistoricalMetricName
- The historical metric names.
- InstanceAttributeType
- InstanceStatus
- InstanceStorageResourceType
- IntegrationType
- PhoneNumberCountryCode
- PhoneNumberType
- PhoneType
- QueueType
- QuickConnectType
- ReferenceType
- SourceType
- Statistic
- StorageType
- Unit
- UseCaseType
- VoiceRecordingTrack
- ChannelFromString on String
- ChannelValueExtension on Channel
- ComparisonFromString on String
- ComparisonValueExtension on Comparison
- ContactFlowTypeFromString on String
- ContactFlowTypeValueExtension on ContactFlowType
- CurrentMetricNameFromString on String
- CurrentMetricNameValueExtension on CurrentMetricName
- DirectoryTypeFromString on String
- DirectoryTypeValueExtension on DirectoryType
- EncryptionTypeFromString on String
- EncryptionTypeValueExtension on EncryptionType
- GroupingFromString on String
- GroupingValueExtension on Grouping
- HistoricalMetricNameFromString on String
- HistoricalMetricNameValueExtension on HistoricalMetricName
- InstanceAttributeTypeFromString on String
- InstanceAttributeTypeValueExtension on InstanceAttributeType
- InstanceStatusFromString on String
- InstanceStatusValueExtension on InstanceStatus
- InstanceStorageResourceTypeFromString on String
- InstanceStorageResourceTypeValueExtension on InstanceStorageResourceType
- IntegrationTypeFromString on String
- IntegrationTypeValueExtension on IntegrationType
- PhoneNumberCountryCodeFromString on String
- PhoneNumberCountryCodeValueExtension on PhoneNumberCountryCode
- PhoneNumberTypeFromString on String
- PhoneNumberTypeValueExtension on PhoneNumberType
- PhoneTypeFromString on String
- PhoneTypeValueExtension on PhoneType
- QueueTypeFromString on String
- QueueTypeValueExtension on QueueType
- QuickConnectTypeFromString on String
- QuickConnectTypeValueExtension on QuickConnectType
- ReferenceTypeFromString on String
- ReferenceTypeValueExtension on ReferenceType
- SourceTypeFromString on String
- SourceTypeValueExtension on SourceType
- StatisticFromString on String
- StatisticValueExtension on Statistic
- StorageTypeFromString on String
- StorageTypeValueExtension on StorageType
- UnitFromString on String
- UnitValueExtension on Unit
- UseCaseTypeFromString on String
- UseCaseTypeValueExtension on UseCaseType
- VoiceRecordingTrackFromString on String
- VoiceRecordingTrackValueExtension on VoiceRecordingTrack
Exceptions / Errors
- ContactFlowNotPublishedException
- ContactNotFoundException
- DestinationNotAllowedException
- DuplicateResourceException
- InternalServiceException
- InvalidContactFlowException
- InvalidParameterException
- InvalidRequestException
- LimitExceededException
- OutboundContactNotPermittedException
- ResourceConflictException
- ResourceInUseException
- ResourceNotFoundException
- ServiceQuotaExceededException
- ThrottlingException
- UserNotFoundException