ConfigService class

AWS Config provides a way to keep track of the configurations of all the AWS resources associated with your AWS account. You can use AWS Config to get the current and historical configurations of each AWS resource and also to get information about the relationship between the resources. An AWS resource can be an Amazon Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, an Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume, an elastic network Interface (ENI), or a security group. For a complete list of resources currently supported by AWS Config, see Supported AWS Resources.


ConfigService({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


batchGetAggregateResourceConfig({required String configurationAggregatorName, required List<AggregateResourceIdentifier> resourceIdentifiers}) Future<BatchGetAggregateResourceConfigResponse>
Returns the current configuration items for resources that are present in your AWS Config aggregator. The operation also returns a list of resources that are not processed in the current request. If there are no unprocessed resources, the operation returns an empty unprocessedResourceIdentifiers list.
batchGetResourceConfig({required List<ResourceKey> resourceKeys}) Future<BatchGetResourceConfigResponse>
Returns the current configuration for one or more requested resources. The operation also returns a list of resources that are not processed in the current request. If there are no unprocessed resources, the operation returns an empty unprocessedResourceKeys list.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
deleteAggregationAuthorization({required String authorizedAccountId, required String authorizedAwsRegion}) Future<void>
Deletes the authorization granted to the specified configuration aggregator account in a specified region.
deleteConfigRule({required String configRuleName}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified AWS Config rule and all of its evaluation results.
deleteConfigurationAggregator({required String configurationAggregatorName}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified configuration aggregator and the aggregated data associated with the aggregator.
deleteConfigurationRecorder({required String configurationRecorderName}) Future<void>
Deletes the configuration recorder.
deleteConformancePack({required String conformancePackName}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified conformance pack and all the AWS Config rules, remediation actions, and all evaluation results within that conformance pack.
deleteDeliveryChannel({required String deliveryChannelName}) Future<void>
Deletes the delivery channel.
deleteEvaluationResults({required String configRuleName}) Future<void>
Deletes the evaluation results for the specified AWS Config rule. You can specify one AWS Config rule per request. After you delete the evaluation results, you can call the StartConfigRulesEvaluation API to start evaluating your AWS resources against the rule.
deleteOrganizationConfigRule({required String organizationConfigRuleName}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified organization config rule and all of its evaluation results from all member accounts in that organization.
deleteOrganizationConformancePack({required String organizationConformancePackName}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified organization conformance pack and all of the config rules and remediation actions from all member accounts in that organization.
deletePendingAggregationRequest({required String requesterAccountId, required String requesterAwsRegion}) Future<void>
Deletes pending authorization requests for a specified aggregator account in a specified region.
deleteRemediationConfiguration({required String configRuleName, String? resourceType}) Future<void>
Deletes the remediation configuration.
deleteRemediationExceptions({required String configRuleName, required List<RemediationExceptionResourceKey> resourceKeys}) Future<DeleteRemediationExceptionsResponse>
Deletes one or more remediation exceptions mentioned in the resource keys.
deleteResourceConfig({required String resourceId, required String resourceType}) Future<void>
Records the configuration state for a custom resource that has been deleted. This API records a new ConfigurationItem with a ResourceDeleted status. You can retrieve the ConfigurationItems recorded for this resource in your AWS Config History.
deleteRetentionConfiguration({required String retentionConfigurationName}) Future<void>
Deletes the retention configuration.
deleteStoredQuery({required String queryName}) Future<void>
Deletes the stored query for an AWS account in an AWS Region.
deliverConfigSnapshot({required String deliveryChannelName}) Future<DeliverConfigSnapshotResponse>
Schedules delivery of a configuration snapshot to the Amazon S3 bucket in the specified delivery channel. After the delivery has started, AWS Config sends the following notifications using an Amazon SNS topic that you have specified.
describeAggregateComplianceByConfigRules({required String configurationAggregatorName, ConfigRuleComplianceFilters? filters, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeAggregateComplianceByConfigRulesResponse>
Returns a list of compliant and noncompliant rules with the number of resources for compliant and noncompliant rules.
describeAggregationAuthorizations({int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeAggregationAuthorizationsResponse>
Returns a list of authorizations granted to various aggregator accounts and regions.
describeComplianceByConfigRule({List<ComplianceType>? complianceTypes, List<String>? configRuleNames, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeComplianceByConfigRuleResponse>
Indicates whether the specified AWS Config rules are compliant. If a rule is noncompliant, this action returns the number of AWS resources that do not comply with the rule.
describeComplianceByResource({List<ComplianceType>? complianceTypes, int? limit, String? nextToken, String? resourceId, String? resourceType}) Future<DescribeComplianceByResourceResponse>
Indicates whether the specified AWS resources are compliant. If a resource is noncompliant, this action returns the number of AWS Config rules that the resource does not comply with.
describeConfigRuleEvaluationStatus({List<String>? configRuleNames, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatusResponse>
Returns status information for each of your AWS managed Config rules. The status includes information such as the last time AWS Config invoked the rule, the last time AWS Config failed to invoke the rule, and the related error for the last failure.
describeConfigRules({List<String>? configRuleNames, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeConfigRulesResponse>
Returns details about your AWS Config rules.
describeConfigurationAggregators({List<String>? configurationAggregatorNames, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeConfigurationAggregatorsResponse>
Returns the details of one or more configuration aggregators. If the configuration aggregator is not specified, this action returns the details for all the configuration aggregators associated with the account.
describeConfigurationAggregatorSourcesStatus({required String configurationAggregatorName, int? limit, String? nextToken, List<AggregatedSourceStatusType>? updateStatus}) Future<DescribeConfigurationAggregatorSourcesStatusResponse>
Returns status information for sources within an aggregator. The status includes information about the last time AWS Config verified authorization between the source account and an aggregator account. In case of a failure, the status contains the related error code or message.
describeConfigurationRecorders({List<String>? configurationRecorderNames}) Future<DescribeConfigurationRecordersResponse>
Returns the details for the specified configuration recorders. If the configuration recorder is not specified, this action returns the details for all configuration recorders associated with the account.
describeConfigurationRecorderStatus({List<String>? configurationRecorderNames}) Future<DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatusResponse>
Returns the current status of the specified configuration recorder. If a configuration recorder is not specified, this action returns the status of all configuration recorders associated with the account.
describeConformancePackCompliance({required String conformancePackName, ConformancePackComplianceFilters? filters, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeConformancePackComplianceResponse>
Returns compliance details for each rule in that conformance pack.
describeConformancePacks({List<String>? conformancePackNames, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeConformancePacksResponse>
Returns a list of one or more conformance packs.
describeConformancePackStatus({List<String>? conformancePackNames, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribeConformancePackStatusResponse>
Provides one or more conformance packs deployment status.
describeDeliveryChannels({List<String>? deliveryChannelNames}) Future<DescribeDeliveryChannelsResponse>
Returns details about the specified delivery channel. If a delivery channel is not specified, this action returns the details of all delivery channels associated with the account.
describeDeliveryChannelStatus({List<String>? deliveryChannelNames}) Future<DescribeDeliveryChannelStatusResponse>
Returns the current status of the specified delivery channel. If a delivery channel is not specified, this action returns the current status of all delivery channels associated with the account.
describeOrganizationConfigRules({int? limit, String? nextToken, List<String>? organizationConfigRuleNames}) Future<DescribeOrganizationConfigRulesResponse>
Returns a list of organization config rules.
describeOrganizationConfigRuleStatuses({int? limit, String? nextToken, List<String>? organizationConfigRuleNames}) Future<DescribeOrganizationConfigRuleStatusesResponse>
Provides organization config rule deployment status for an organization.
describeOrganizationConformancePacks({int? limit, String? nextToken, List<String>? organizationConformancePackNames}) Future<DescribeOrganizationConformancePacksResponse>
Returns a list of organization conformance packs.
describeOrganizationConformancePackStatuses({int? limit, String? nextToken, List<String>? organizationConformancePackNames}) Future<DescribeOrganizationConformancePackStatusesResponse>
Provides organization conformance pack deployment status for an organization.
describePendingAggregationRequests({int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<DescribePendingAggregationRequestsResponse>
Returns a list of all pending aggregation requests.
describeRemediationConfigurations({required List<String> configRuleNames}) Future<DescribeRemediationConfigurationsResponse>
Returns the details of one or more remediation configurations.
describeRemediationExceptions({required String configRuleName, int? limit, String? nextToken, List<RemediationExceptionResourceKey>? resourceKeys}) Future<DescribeRemediationExceptionsResponse>
Returns the details of one or more remediation exceptions. A detailed view of a remediation exception for a set of resources that includes an explanation of an exception and the time when the exception will be deleted. When you specify the limit and the next token, you receive a paginated response.
describeRemediationExecutionStatus({required String configRuleName, int? limit, String? nextToken, List<ResourceKey>? resourceKeys}) Future<DescribeRemediationExecutionStatusResponse>
Provides a detailed view of a Remediation Execution for a set of resources including state, timestamps for when steps for the remediation execution occur, and any error messages for steps that have failed. When you specify the limit and the next token, you receive a paginated response.
describeRetentionConfigurations({String? nextToken, List<String>? retentionConfigurationNames}) Future<DescribeRetentionConfigurationsResponse>
Returns the details of one or more retention configurations. If the retention configuration name is not specified, this action returns the details for all the retention configurations for that account.
getAggregateComplianceDetailsByConfigRule({required String accountId, required String awsRegion, required String configRuleName, required String configurationAggregatorName, ComplianceType? complianceType, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetAggregateComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleResponse>
Returns the evaluation results for the specified AWS Config rule for a specific resource in a rule. The results indicate which AWS resources were evaluated by the rule, when each resource was last evaluated, and whether each resource complies with the rule.
getAggregateConfigRuleComplianceSummary({required String configurationAggregatorName, ConfigRuleComplianceSummaryFilters? filters, ConfigRuleComplianceSummaryGroupKey? groupByKey, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetAggregateConfigRuleComplianceSummaryResponse>
Returns the number of compliant and noncompliant rules for one or more accounts and regions in an aggregator.
getAggregateDiscoveredResourceCounts({required String configurationAggregatorName, ResourceCountFilters? filters, ResourceCountGroupKey? groupByKey, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetAggregateDiscoveredResourceCountsResponse>
Returns the resource counts across accounts and regions that are present in your AWS Config aggregator. You can request the resource counts by providing filters and GroupByKey.
getAggregateResourceConfig({required String configurationAggregatorName, required AggregateResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier}) Future<GetAggregateResourceConfigResponse>
Returns configuration item that is aggregated for your specific resource in a specific source account and region.
getComplianceDetailsByConfigRule({required String configRuleName, List<ComplianceType>? complianceTypes, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleResponse>
Returns the evaluation results for the specified AWS Config rule. The results indicate which AWS resources were evaluated by the rule, when each resource was last evaluated, and whether each resource complies with the rule.
getComplianceDetailsByResource({required String resourceId, required String resourceType, List<ComplianceType>? complianceTypes, String? nextToken}) Future<GetComplianceDetailsByResourceResponse>
Returns the evaluation results for the specified AWS resource. The results indicate which AWS Config rules were used to evaluate the resource, when each rule was last used, and whether the resource complies with each rule.
getComplianceSummaryByConfigRule() Future<GetComplianceSummaryByConfigRuleResponse>
Returns the number of AWS Config rules that are compliant and noncompliant, up to a maximum of 25 for each.
getComplianceSummaryByResourceType({List<String>? resourceTypes}) Future<GetComplianceSummaryByResourceTypeResponse>
Returns the number of resources that are compliant and the number that are noncompliant. You can specify one or more resource types to get these numbers for each resource type. The maximum number returned is 100.
getConformancePackComplianceDetails({required String conformancePackName, ConformancePackEvaluationFilters? filters, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetConformancePackComplianceDetailsResponse>
Returns compliance details of a conformance pack for all AWS resources that are monitered by conformance pack.
getConformancePackComplianceSummary({required List<String> conformancePackNames, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetConformancePackComplianceSummaryResponse>
Returns compliance details for the conformance pack based on the cumulative compliance results of all the rules in that conformance pack.
getDiscoveredResourceCounts({int? limit, String? nextToken, List<String>? resourceTypes}) Future<GetDiscoveredResourceCountsResponse>
Returns the resource types, the number of each resource type, and the total number of resources that AWS Config is recording in this region for your AWS account.
getOrganizationConfigRuleDetailedStatus({required String organizationConfigRuleName, StatusDetailFilters? filters, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetOrganizationConfigRuleDetailedStatusResponse>
Returns detailed status for each member account within an organization for a given organization config rule.
getOrganizationConformancePackDetailedStatus({required String organizationConformancePackName, OrganizationResourceDetailedStatusFilters? filters, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetOrganizationConformancePackDetailedStatusResponse>
Returns detailed status for each member account within an organization for a given organization conformance pack.
getResourceConfigHistory({required String resourceId, required ResourceType resourceType, ChronologicalOrder? chronologicalOrder, DateTime? earlierTime, DateTime? laterTime, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<GetResourceConfigHistoryResponse>
Returns a list of configuration items for the specified resource. The list contains details about each state of the resource during the specified time interval. If you specified a retention period to retain your ConfigurationItems between a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 7 years (2557 days), AWS Config returns the ConfigurationItems for the specified retention period.
getStoredQuery({required String queryName}) Future<GetStoredQueryResponse>
Returns the details of a specific stored query.
listAggregateDiscoveredResources({required String configurationAggregatorName, required ResourceType resourceType, ResourceFilters? filters, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<ListAggregateDiscoveredResourcesResponse>
Accepts a resource type and returns a list of resource identifiers that are aggregated for a specific resource type across accounts and regions. A resource identifier includes the resource type, ID, (if available) the custom resource name, source account, and source region. You can narrow the results to include only resources that have specific resource IDs, or a resource name, or source account ID, or source region.
listDiscoveredResources({required ResourceType resourceType, bool? includeDeletedResources, int? limit, String? nextToken, List<String>? resourceIds, String? resourceName}) Future<ListDiscoveredResourcesResponse>
Accepts a resource type and returns a list of resource identifiers for the resources of that type. A resource identifier includes the resource type, ID, and (if available) the custom resource name. The results consist of resources that AWS Config has discovered, including those that AWS Config is not currently recording. You can narrow the results to include only resources that have specific resource IDs or a resource name. The response is paginated. By default, AWS Config lists 100 resource identifiers on each page. You can customize this number with the limit parameter. The response includes a nextToken string. To get the next page of results, run the request again and specify the string for the nextToken parameter.
listStoredQueries({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListStoredQueriesResponse>
List the stored queries for an AWS account in an AWS Region. The default is 100.
listTagsForResource({required String resourceArn, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse>
List the tags for AWS Config resource.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
putAggregationAuthorization({required String authorizedAccountId, required String authorizedAwsRegion, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<PutAggregationAuthorizationResponse>
Authorizes the aggregator account and region to collect data from the source account and region.
putConfigRule({required ConfigRule configRule, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<void>
Adds or updates an AWS Config rule for evaluating whether your AWS resources comply with your desired configurations.
putConfigurationAggregator({required String configurationAggregatorName, List<AccountAggregationSource>? accountAggregationSources, OrganizationAggregationSource? organizationAggregationSource, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<PutConfigurationAggregatorResponse>
Creates and updates the configuration aggregator with the selected source accounts and regions. The source account can be individual account(s) or an organization.
putConfigurationRecorder({required ConfigurationRecorder configurationRecorder}) Future<void>
Creates a new configuration recorder to record the selected resource configurations.
putConformancePack({required String conformancePackName, List<ConformancePackInputParameter>? conformancePackInputParameters, String? deliveryS3Bucket, String? deliveryS3KeyPrefix, String? templateBody, String? templateS3Uri}) Future<PutConformancePackResponse>
Creates or updates a conformance pack. A conformance pack is a collection of AWS Config rules that can be easily deployed in an account and a region and across AWS Organization.
putDeliveryChannel({required DeliveryChannel deliveryChannel}) Future<void>
Creates a delivery channel object to deliver configuration information to an Amazon S3 bucket and Amazon SNS topic.
putEvaluations({required String resultToken, List<Evaluation>? evaluations, bool? testMode}) Future<PutEvaluationsResponse>
Used by an AWS Lambda function to deliver evaluation results to AWS Config. This action is required in every AWS Lambda function that is invoked by an AWS Config rule.
putExternalEvaluation({required String configRuleName, required ExternalEvaluation externalEvaluation}) Future<void>
May throw NoSuchConfigRuleException. May throw InvalidParameterValueException.
putOrganizationConfigRule({required String organizationConfigRuleName, List<String>? excludedAccounts, OrganizationCustomRuleMetadata? organizationCustomRuleMetadata, OrganizationManagedRuleMetadata? organizationManagedRuleMetadata}) Future<PutOrganizationConfigRuleResponse>
Adds or updates organization config rule for your entire organization evaluating whether your AWS resources comply with your desired configurations.
putOrganizationConformancePack({required String organizationConformancePackName, List<ConformancePackInputParameter>? conformancePackInputParameters, String? deliveryS3Bucket, String? deliveryS3KeyPrefix, List<String>? excludedAccounts, String? templateBody, String? templateS3Uri}) Future<PutOrganizationConformancePackResponse>
Deploys conformance packs across member accounts in an AWS Organization.
putRemediationConfigurations({required List<RemediationConfiguration> remediationConfigurations}) Future<PutRemediationConfigurationsResponse>
Adds or updates the remediation configuration with a specific AWS Config rule with the selected target or action. The API creates the RemediationConfiguration object for the AWS Config rule. The AWS Config rule must already exist for you to add a remediation configuration. The target (SSM document) must exist and have permissions to use the target.
putRemediationExceptions({required String configRuleName, required List<RemediationExceptionResourceKey> resourceKeys, DateTime? expirationTime, String? message}) Future<PutRemediationExceptionsResponse>
A remediation exception is when a specific resource is no longer considered for auto-remediation. This API adds a new exception or updates an exisiting exception for a specific resource with a specific AWS Config rule.
putResourceConfig({required String configuration, required String resourceId, required String resourceType, required String schemaVersionId, String? resourceName, Map<String, String>? tags}) Future<void>
Records the configuration state for the resource provided in the request. The configuration state of a resource is represented in AWS Config as Configuration Items. Once this API records the configuration item, you can retrieve the list of configuration items for the custom resource type using existing AWS Config APIs.
putRetentionConfiguration({required int retentionPeriodInDays}) Future<PutRetentionConfigurationResponse>
Creates and updates the retention configuration with details about retention period (number of days) that AWS Config stores your historical information. The API creates the RetentionConfiguration object and names the object as default. When you have a RetentionConfiguration object named default, calling the API modifies the default object.
putStoredQuery({required StoredQuery storedQuery, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<PutStoredQueryResponse>
Saves a new query or updates an existing saved query. The QueryName must be unique for an AWS account in an AWS Region. You can create upto 300 queries in an AWS account in an AWS Region.
selectAggregateResourceConfig({required String configurationAggregatorName, required String expression, int? limit, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<SelectAggregateResourceConfigResponse>
Accepts a structured query language (SQL) SELECT command and an aggregator to query configuration state of AWS resources across multiple accounts and regions, performs the corresponding search, and returns resource configurations matching the properties.
selectResourceConfig({required String expression, int? limit, String? nextToken}) Future<SelectResourceConfigResponse>
Accepts a structured query language (SQL) SELECT command, performs the corresponding search, and returns resource configurations matching the properties.
startConfigRulesEvaluation({List<String>? configRuleNames}) Future<void>
Runs an on-demand evaluation for the specified AWS Config rules against the last known configuration state of the resources. Use StartConfigRulesEvaluation when you want to test that a rule you updated is working as expected. StartConfigRulesEvaluation does not re-record the latest configuration state for your resources. It re-runs an evaluation against the last known state of your resources.
startConfigurationRecorder({required String configurationRecorderName}) Future<void>
Starts recording configurations of the AWS resources you have selected to record in your AWS account.
startRemediationExecution({required String configRuleName, required List<ResourceKey> resourceKeys}) Future<StartRemediationExecutionResponse>
Runs an on-demand remediation for the specified AWS Config rules against the last known remediation configuration. It runs an execution against the current state of your resources. Remediation execution is asynchronous.
stopConfigurationRecorder({required String configurationRecorderName}) Future<void>
Stops recording configurations of the AWS resources you have selected to record in your AWS account.
tagResource({required String resourceArn, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<void>
Associates the specified tags to a resource with the specified resourceArn. If existing tags on a resource are not specified in the request parameters, they are not changed. When a resource is deleted, the tags associated with that resource are deleted as well.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
untagResource({required String resourceArn, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Deletes specified tags from a resource.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.