findingReasonCodes property

The reason for the finding classification of the function. Reason codes include:

  • MemoryOverprovisioned — The function is over-provisioned when its memory configuration can be sized down while still meeting the performance requirements of your workload. An over-provisioned function might lead to unnecessary infrastructure cost. This finding reason code is part of the NotOptimized finding classification.
  • MemoryUnderprovisioned — The function is under-provisioned when its memory configuration doesn't meet the performance requirements of the workload. An under-provisioned function might lead to poor application performance. This finding reason code is part of the NotOptimized finding classification.
  • InsufficientData — The function does not have sufficient metric data for Compute Optimizer to generate a recommendation. For more information, see the Supported resources and requirements in the AWS Compute Optimizer User Guide. This finding reason code is part of the Unavailable finding classification.
  • Inconclusive — The function does not qualify for a recommendation, or there was an internal error. This finding reason code is part of the Unavailable finding classification.


final List<LambdaFunctionRecommendationFindingReasonCode>? findingReasonCodes;