finding property

The finding classification for the function.

Findings for functions include:

  • Optimized — The function is correctly provisioned to run your workload based on its current configuration and its utilization history. This finding classification does not include finding reason codes.
  • NotOptimized — The function is performing at a higher level (over-provisioned) or at a lower level (under-provisioned) than required for your workload because its current configuration is not optimal. Over-provisioned resources might lead to unnecessary infrastructure cost, and under-provisioned resources might lead to poor application performance. This finding classification can include the MemoryUnderprovisioned and MemoryUnderprovisioned finding reason codes.
  • Unavailable — Compute Optimizer was unable to generate a recommendation for the function. This could be because the function has not accumulated sufficient metric data, or the function does not qualify for a recommendation. This finding classification can include the InsufficientData and Inconclusive finding reason codes.


final LambdaFunctionRecommendationFinding? finding;