dataFormat property

EntityRecognizerDataFormat? dataFormat

The format of your training data:

  • COMPREHEND_CSV: A CSV file that supplements your training documents. The CSV file contains information about the custom entities that your trained model will detect. The required format of the file depends on whether you are providing annotations or an entity list.

    If you use this value, you must provide your CSV file by using either the Annotations or EntityList parameters. You must provide your training documents by using the Documents parameter.

  • AUGMENTED_MANIFEST: A labeled dataset that is produced by Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. This file is in JSON lines format. Each line is a complete JSON object that contains a training document and its labels. Each label annotates a named entity in the training document.

    If you use this value, you must provide the AugmentedManifests parameter in your request.

If you don't specify a value, Amazon Comprehend uses COMPREHEND_CSV as the default.


final EntityRecognizerDataFormat? dataFormat;