deleteUserAttributes method

Future<void> deleteUserAttributes({
  1. required String accessToken,
  2. required List<String> userAttributeNames,

Deletes the attributes for a user.

May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw InvalidParameterException. May throw NotAuthorizedException. May throw TooManyRequestsException. May throw PasswordResetRequiredException. May throw UserNotFoundException. May throw UserNotConfirmedException. May throw InternalErrorException.

Parameter accessToken : The access token used in the request to delete user attributes.

Parameter userAttributeNames : An array of strings representing the user attribute names you wish to delete.

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.


Future<void> deleteUserAttributes({
  required String accessToken,
  required List<String> userAttributeNames,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(accessToken, 'accessToken');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(userAttributeNames, 'userAttributeNames');
  final headers = <String, String>{
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
    'X-Amz-Target': 'AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.DeleteUserAttributes'
  await _protocol.send(
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    signed: false,
    // TODO queryParams
    headers: headers,
    payload: {
      'AccessToken': accessToken,
      'UserAttributeNames': userAttributeNames,