codecommit-2015-04-13 library
- Approval
- Returns information about a specific approval on a pull request.
- ApprovalRule
- Returns information about an approval rule.
- ApprovalRuleEventMetadata
- Returns information about an event for an approval rule.
- ApprovalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata
- Returns information about an override event for approval rules for a pull request.
- ApprovalRuleTemplate
- Returns information about an approval rule template.
- ApprovalStateChangedEventMetadata
- Returns information about a change in the approval state for a pull request.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesError
- Returns information about errors in a BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories operation.
- BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput
- BatchDescribeMergeConflictsError
- Returns information about errors in a BatchDescribeMergeConflicts operation.
- BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput
- BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesError
- Returns information about errors in a BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories operation.
- BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput
- BatchGetCommitsError
- Returns information about errors in a BatchGetCommits operation.
- BatchGetCommitsOutput
- BatchGetRepositoriesOutput
- Represents the output of a batch get repositories operation.
- BlobMetadata
- Returns information about a specific Git blob object.
- BranchInfo
- Returns information about a branch.
- CodeCommit
- This is the AWS CodeCommit API Reference. This reference provides descriptions of the operations and data types for AWS CodeCommit API along with usage examples.
- Comment
- Returns information about a specific comment.
- CommentsForComparedCommit
- Returns information about comments on the comparison between two commits.
- CommentsForPullRequest
- Returns information about comments on a pull request.
- Commit
- Returns information about a specific commit.
- Conflict
- Information about conflicts in a merge operation.
- ConflictMetadata
- Information about the metadata for a conflict in a merge operation.
- ConflictResolution
- If AUTOMERGE is the conflict resolution strategy, a list of inputs to use when resolving conflicts during a merge.
- CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput
- CreateCommitOutput
- CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput
- CreatePullRequestOutput
- CreateRepositoryOutput
- Represents the output of a create repository operation.
- CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput
- DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput
- DeleteBranchOutput
- Represents the output of a delete branch operation.
- DeleteCommentContentOutput
- DeleteFileEntry
- A file that is deleted as part of a commit.
- DeleteFileOutput
- DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput
- DeleteRepositoryOutput
- Represents the output of a delete repository operation.
- DescribeMergeConflictsOutput
- DescribePullRequestEventsOutput
- Difference
- Returns information about a set of differences for a commit specifier.
- EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput
- Evaluation
- Returns information about the approval rules applied to a pull request and whether conditions have been met.
- File
- Returns information about a file in a repository.
- FileMetadata
- A file to be added, updated, or deleted as part of a commit.
- FileModes
- Information about file modes in a merge or pull request.
- FileSizes
- Information about the size of files in a merge or pull request.
- Folder
- Returns information about a folder in a repository.
- GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput
- GetBlobOutput
- Represents the output of a get blob operation.
- GetBranchOutput
- Represents the output of a get branch operation.
- GetCommentOutput
- GetCommentReactionsOutput
- GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput
- GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput
- GetCommitOutput
- Represents the output of a get commit operation.
- GetDifferencesOutput
- GetFileOutput
- GetFolderOutput
- GetMergeCommitOutput
- GetMergeConflictsOutput
- GetMergeOptionsOutput
- GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput
- GetPullRequestOutput
- GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput
- GetRepositoryOutput
- Represents the output of a get repository operation.
- GetRepositoryTriggersOutput
- Represents the output of a get repository triggers operation.
- IsBinaryFile
- Information about whether a file is binary or textual in a merge or pull request operation.
- ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput
- ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput
- ListBranchesOutput
- Represents the output of a list branches operation.
- ListPullRequestsOutput
- ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput
- ListRepositoriesOutput
- Represents the output of a list repositories operation.
- ListTagsForResourceOutput
- Location
- Returns information about the location of a change or comment in the comparison between two commits or a pull request.
- MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput
- MergeBranchesBySquashOutput
- MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput
- MergeHunk
- Information about merge hunks in a merge or pull request operation.
- MergeHunkDetail
- Information about the details of a merge hunk that contains a conflict in a merge or pull request operation.
- MergeMetadata
- Returns information about a merge or potential merge between a source reference and a destination reference in a pull request.
- MergeOperations
- Information about the file operation conflicts in a merge operation.
- MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput
- MergePullRequestBySquashOutput
- MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput
- ObjectTypes
- Information about the type of an object in a merge operation.
- OriginApprovalRuleTemplate
- Returns information about the template that created the approval rule for a pull request.
- PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput
- PostCommentForPullRequestOutput
- PostCommentReplyOutput
- PullRequest
- Returns information about a pull request.
- PullRequestCreatedEventMetadata
- Metadata about the pull request that is used when comparing the pull request source with its destination.
- PullRequestEvent
- Returns information about a pull request event.
- PullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata
- Returns information about the change in the merge state for a pull request event.
- PullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata
- Information about an update to the source branch of a pull request.
- PullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata
- Information about a change to the status of a pull request.
- PullRequestTarget
- Returns information about a pull request target.
- PutFileEntry
- Information about a file added or updated as part of a commit.
- PutFileOutput
- PutRepositoryTriggersOutput
- Represents the output of a put repository triggers operation.
- ReactionForComment
- Information about the reaction values provided by users on a comment.
- ReactionValueFormats
- Information about the values for reactions to a comment. AWS CodeCommit supports a limited set of reactions.
- ReplaceContentEntry
- Information about a replacement content entry in the conflict of a merge or pull request operation.
- RepositoryMetadata
- Information about a repository.
- RepositoryNameIdPair
- Information about a repository name and ID.
- RepositoryTrigger
- Information about a trigger for a repository.
- RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure
- A trigger failed to run.
- SetFileModeEntry
- Information about the file mode changes.
- SourceFileSpecifier
- Information about a source file that is part of changes made in a commit.
- SubModule
- Returns information about a submodule reference in a repository folder.
- SymbolicLink
- Returns information about a symbolic link in a repository folder.
- Target
- Returns information about a target for a pull request.
- TestRepositoryTriggersOutput
- Represents the output of a test repository triggers operation.
- UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput
- UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput
- UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput
- UpdateCommentOutput
- UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput
- UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput
- UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput
- UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput
- UserInfo
- Information about the user who made a specified commit.
- ApprovalStateFromString on String
- ApprovalStateValueExtension on ApprovalState
- ChangeTypeEnumFromString on String
- ChangeTypeEnumValueExtension on ChangeTypeEnum
- ConflictDetailLevelTypeEnumFromString on String
- ConflictDetailLevelTypeEnumValueExtension on ConflictDetailLevelTypeEnum
- ConflictResolutionStrategyTypeEnumFromString on String
- ConflictResolutionStrategyTypeEnumValueExtension on ConflictResolutionStrategyTypeEnum
- FileModeTypeEnumFromString on String
- FileModeTypeEnumValueExtension on FileModeTypeEnum
- MergeOptionTypeEnumFromString on String
- MergeOptionTypeEnumValueExtension on MergeOptionTypeEnum
- ObjectTypeEnumFromString on String
- ObjectTypeEnumValueExtension on ObjectTypeEnum
- OrderEnumFromString on String
- OrderEnumValueExtension on OrderEnum
- OverrideStatusFromString on String
- OverrideStatusValueExtension on OverrideStatus
- PullRequestEventTypeFromString on String
- PullRequestEventTypeValueExtension on PullRequestEventType
- PullRequestStatusEnumFromString on String
- PullRequestStatusEnumValueExtension on PullRequestStatusEnum
- RelativeFileVersionEnumFromString on String
- RelativeFileVersionEnumValueExtension on RelativeFileVersionEnum
- ReplacementTypeEnumFromString on String
- ReplacementTypeEnumValueExtension on ReplacementTypeEnum
- RepositoryTriggerEventEnumFromString on String
- RepositoryTriggerEventEnumValueExtension on RepositoryTriggerEventEnum
- SortByEnumFromString on String
- SortByEnumValueExtension on SortByEnum
Exceptions / Errors
- ActorDoesNotExistException
- ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException
- ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException
- ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException
- ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException
- ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException
- ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException
- ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException
- ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException
- ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException
- ApprovalStateRequiredException
- AuthorDoesNotExistException
- BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException
- BlobIdDoesNotExistException
- BlobIdRequiredException
- BranchDoesNotExistException
- BranchNameExistsException
- BranchNameIsTagNameException
- BranchNameRequiredException
- CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException
- CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException
- ClientRequestTokenRequiredException
- CommentContentRequiredException
- CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException
- CommentDeletedException
- CommentDoesNotExistException
- CommentIdRequiredException
- CommentNotCreatedByCallerException
- CommitDoesNotExistException
- CommitIdDoesNotExistException
- CommitIdRequiredException
- CommitIdsLimitExceededException
- CommitIdsListRequiredException
- CommitMessageLengthExceededException
- CommitRequiredException
- ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException
- DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException
- DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException
- EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException
- EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException
- EncryptionKeyDisabledException
- EncryptionKeyNotFoundException
- FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException
- FileContentRequiredException
- FileContentSizeLimitExceededException
- FileDoesNotExistException
- FileEntryRequiredException
- FileModeRequiredException
- FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException
- FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException
- FileTooLargeException
- FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException
- FolderDoesNotExistException
- IdempotencyParameterMismatchException
- InvalidActorArnException
- InvalidApprovalRuleContentException
- InvalidApprovalRuleNameException
- InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException
- InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException
- InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException
- InvalidApprovalStateException
- InvalidAuthorArnException
- InvalidBlobIdException
- InvalidBranchNameException
- InvalidClientRequestTokenException
- InvalidCommentIdException
- InvalidCommitException
- InvalidCommitIdException
- InvalidConflictDetailLevelException
- InvalidConflictResolutionException
- InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException
- InvalidContinuationTokenException
- InvalidDeletionParameterException
- InvalidDescriptionException
- InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException
- InvalidEmailException
- InvalidFileLocationException
- InvalidFileModeException
- InvalidFilePositionException
- InvalidMaxConflictFilesException
- InvalidMaxMergeHunksException
- InvalidMaxResultsException
- InvalidMergeOptionException
- InvalidOrderException
- InvalidOverrideStatusException
- InvalidParentCommitIdException
- InvalidPathException
- InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException
- InvalidPullRequestIdException
- InvalidPullRequestStatusException
- InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException
- InvalidReactionUserArnException
- InvalidReactionValueException
- InvalidReferenceNameException
- InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException
- InvalidReplacementContentException
- InvalidReplacementTypeException
- InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException
- InvalidRepositoryNameException
- InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException
- InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException
- InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException
- InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException
- InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException
- InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException
- InvalidResourceArnException
- InvalidRevisionIdException
- InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception
- InvalidSortByException
- InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException
- InvalidSystemTagUsageException
- InvalidTagKeysListException
- InvalidTagsMapException
- InvalidTargetBranchException
- InvalidTargetException
- InvalidTargetsException
- InvalidTitleException
- ManualMergeRequiredException
- MaximumBranchesExceededException
- MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException
- MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException
- MaximumFileEntriesExceededException
- MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException
- MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException
- MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException
- MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException
- MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException
- MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException
- MergeOptionRequiredException
- MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException
- MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException
- NameLengthExceededException
- NoChangeException
- NumberOfRulesExceededException
- NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException
- OverrideAlreadySetException
- OverrideStatusRequiredException
- ParentCommitDoesNotExistException
- ParentCommitIdOutdatedException
- ParentCommitIdRequiredException
- PathDoesNotExistException
- PathRequiredException
- PullRequestAlreadyClosedException
- PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException
- PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException
- PullRequestDoesNotExistException
- PullRequestIdRequiredException
- PullRequestStatusRequiredException
- PutFileEntryConflictException
- ReactionLimitExceededException
- ReactionValueRequiredException
- ReferenceDoesNotExistException
- ReferenceNameRequiredException
- ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException
- ReplacementContentRequiredException
- ReplacementTypeRequiredException
- RepositoryDoesNotExistException
- RepositoryLimitExceededException
- RepositoryNameExistsException
- RepositoryNameRequiredException
- RepositoryNamesRequiredException
- RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException
- RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException
- RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException
- RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException
- RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException
- RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException
- ResourceArnRequiredException
- RestrictedSourceFileException
- RevisionIdRequiredException
- RevisionNotCurrentException
- SameFileContentException
- SamePathRequestException
- SourceAndDestinationAreSameException
- SourceFileOrContentRequiredException
- TagKeysListRequiredException
- TagPolicyException
- TagsMapRequiredException
- TargetRequiredException
- TargetsRequiredException
- TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException
- TipsDivergenceExceededException
- TitleRequiredException
- TooManyTagsException