modes property
An array of strings that specify the local cache modes. You can use one or
more local cache modes at the same time. This is only used for
cache types.
Possible values are:
- Caches Git metadata for primary and secondary sources. After the cache is created, subsequent builds pull only the change between commits. This mode is a good choice for projects with a clean working directory and a source that is a large Git repository. If you choose this option and your project does not use a Git repository (GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket), the option is ignored.
- Caches existing Docker layers. This mode is a good choice for projects that build or pull large Docker images. It can prevent the performance issues caused by pulling large Docker images down from the network.
Caches directories you specify in the buildspec file. This mode is a good
choice if your build scenario is not suited to one of the other three local
cache modes. If you use a custom cache:
- Only directories can be specified for caching. You cannot specify individual files.
- Symlinks are used to reference cached directories.
- Cached directories are linked to your build before it downloads its project sources. Cached items are overridden if a source item has the same name. Directories are specified using cache paths in the buildspec file.
final List<CacheMode>? modes;