values property

List<String>? values

An array of Amazon Resource Name (ARN) strings or partial ARN strings for the specified objects.

  • To log data events for all objects in all S3 buckets in your AWS account, specify the prefix as arn:aws:s3:::.
  • To log data events for all objects in an S3 bucket, specify the bucket and an empty object prefix such as arn:aws:s3:::bucket-1/. The trail logs data events for all objects in this S3 bucket.
  • To log data events for specific objects, specify the S3 bucket and object prefix such as arn:aws:s3:::bucket-1/example-images. The trail logs data events for objects in this S3 bucket that match the prefix.
  • To log data events for all functions in your AWS account, specify the prefix as arn:aws:lambda.
  • To log data events for a specific Lambda function, specify the function ARN.


final List<String>? values;