CloudSearch class

You use the configuration service to create, configure, and manage search domains. Configuration service requests are submitted using the AWS Query protocol. AWS Query requests are HTTP or HTTPS requests submitted via HTTP GET or POST with a query parameter named Action.


CloudSearch({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shapes Map<String, Shape>


close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createDomain({required String domainName}) Future<CreateDomainResponse>
Creates a new search domain.
defineIndexField({required String domainName, required IndexField indexField}) Future<DefineIndexFieldResponse>
Configures an IndexField for the search domain. Used to create new fields and modify existing ones. If the field exists, the new configuration replaces the old one. You can configure a maximum of 200 index fields.
defineRankExpression({required String domainName, required NamedRankExpression rankExpression}) Future<DefineRankExpressionResponse>
Configures a RankExpression for the search domain. Used to create new rank expressions and modify existing ones. If the expression exists, the new configuration replaces the old one. You can configure a maximum of 50 rank expressions.
deleteDomain({required String domainName}) Future<DeleteDomainResponse>
Permanently deletes a search domain and all of its data.
deleteIndexField({required String domainName, required String indexFieldName}) Future<DeleteIndexFieldResponse>
Removes an IndexField from the search domain.
deleteRankExpression({required String domainName, required String rankName}) Future<DeleteRankExpressionResponse>
Removes a RankExpression from the search domain.
describeAvailabilityOptions({required String domainName}) Future<DescribeAvailabilityOptionsResponse>
Gets the availability options configured for a domain. By default, shows the configuration with any pending changes. Set the Deployed option to true to show the active configuration and exclude pending changes. For more information, see Configuring Availability Options in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.
describeDefaultSearchField({required String domainName}) Future<DescribeDefaultSearchFieldResponse>
Gets the default search field configured for the search domain.
describeDomains({List<String>? domainNames}) Future<DescribeDomainsResponse>
Gets information about the search domains owned by this account. Can be limited to specific domains. Shows all domains by default.
describeIndexFields({required String domainName, List<String>? fieldNames}) Future<DescribeIndexFieldsResponse>
Gets information about the index fields configured for the search domain. Can be limited to specific fields by name. Shows all fields by default.
describeRankExpressions({required String domainName, List<String>? rankNames}) Future<DescribeRankExpressionsResponse>
Gets the rank expressions configured for the search domain. Can be limited to specific rank expressions by name. Shows all rank expressions by default.
describeServiceAccessPolicies({required String domainName}) Future<DescribeServiceAccessPoliciesResponse>
Gets information about the resource-based policies that control access to the domain's document and search services.
describeStemmingOptions({required String domainName}) Future<DescribeStemmingOptionsResponse>
Gets the stemming dictionary configured for the search domain.
describeStopwordOptions({required String domainName}) Future<DescribeStopwordOptionsResponse>
Gets the stopwords configured for the search domain.
describeSynonymOptions({required String domainName}) Future<DescribeSynonymOptionsResponse>
Gets the synonym dictionary configured for the search domain.
indexDocuments({required String domainName}) Future<IndexDocumentsResponse>
Tells the search domain to start indexing its documents using the latest text processing options and IndexFields. This operation must be invoked to make options whose OptionStatus has OptionState of RequiresIndexDocuments visible in search results.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateAvailabilityOptions({required String domainName, required bool multiAZ}) Future<UpdateAvailabilityOptionsResponse>
Configures the availability options for a domain. Enabling the Multi-AZ option expands an Amazon CloudSearch domain to an additional Availability Zone in the same Region to increase fault tolerance in the event of a service disruption. Changes to the Multi-AZ option can take about half an hour to become active. For more information, see Configuring Availability Options in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.
updateDefaultSearchField({required String defaultSearchField, required String domainName}) Future<UpdateDefaultSearchFieldResponse>
Configures the default search field for the search domain. The default search field is the text field that is searched when a search request does not specify which fields to search. By default, it is configured to include the contents of all of the domain's text fields.
updateServiceAccessPolicies({required String accessPolicies, required String domainName}) Future<UpdateServiceAccessPoliciesResponse>
Configures the policies that control access to the domain's document and search services. The maximum size of an access policy document is 100 KB.
updateStemmingOptions({required String domainName, required String stems}) Future<UpdateStemmingOptionsResponse>
Configures a stemming dictionary for the search domain. The stemming dictionary is used during indexing and when processing search requests. The maximum size of the stemming dictionary is 500 KB.
updateStopwordOptions({required String domainName, required String stopwords}) Future<UpdateStopwordOptionsResponse>
Configures stopwords for the search domain. Stopwords are used during indexing and when processing search requests. The maximum size of the stopwords dictionary is 10 KB.
updateSynonymOptions({required String domainName, required String synonyms}) Future<UpdateSynonymOptionsResponse>
Configures a synonym dictionary for the search domain. The synonym dictionary is used during indexing to configure mappings for terms that occur in text fields. The maximum size of the synonym dictionary is 100 KB.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.