sSLSupportMethod property

SSLSupportMethod? sSLSupportMethod

If the distribution uses Aliases (alternate domain names or CNAMEs), specify which viewers the distribution accepts HTTPS connections from.

  • sni-only – The distribution accepts HTTPS connections from only viewers that support server name indication (SNI). This is recommended. Most browsers and clients support SNI.
  • vip – The distribution accepts HTTPS connections from all viewers including those that don’t support SNI. This is not recommended, and results in additional monthly charges from CloudFront.
  • static-ip - Do not specify this value unless your distribution has been enabled for this feature by the CloudFront team. If you have a use case that requires static IP addresses for a distribution, contact CloudFront through the AWS Support Center.
If the distribution uses the CloudFront domain name such as, don’t set a value for this field.


final SSLSupportMethod? sSLSupportMethod;