sSLSupportMethod property

SSLSupportMethod? sSLSupportMethod

If you specify a value for ACMCertificateArn or for IAMCertificateId, you must also specify how you want CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests: using a method that works for all clients or one that works for most clients:

  • vip: CloudFront uses dedicated IP addresses for your content and can respond to HTTPS requests from any viewer. However, you must request permission to use this feature, and you incur additional monthly charges.
  • sni-only: CloudFront can respond to HTTPS requests from viewers that support Server Name Indication (SNI). All modern browsers support SNI, but some browsers still in use don't support SNI. If some of your users' browsers don't support SNI, we recommend that you do one of the following:
    • Use the vip option (dedicated IP addresses) instead of sni-only.
    • Use the CloudFront SSL/TLS certificate instead of a custom certificate. This requires that you use the CloudFront domain name of your distribution in the URLs for your objects, for example,
    • If you can control which browser your users use, upgrade the browser to one that supports SNI.
    • Use HTTP instead of HTTPS.
Do not specify a value for SSLSupportMethod if you specified <CloudFrontDefaultCertificate>true<CloudFrontDefaultCertificate>.

For more information, see Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.


final SSLSupportMethod? sSLSupportMethod;