listTagsForResource method

Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource({
  1. required String resourceArn,
  2. int? maxResults,
  3. String? nextToken,

Returns tags for a resource. Tagging is currently supported only for directories with a limit of 50 tags per directory. All 50 tags are returned for a given directory with this API call.

May throw InternalServiceException. May throw InvalidArnException. May throw RetryableConflictException. May throw ValidationException. May throw LimitExceededException. May throw AccessDeniedException. May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw InvalidTaggingRequestException.

Parameter resourceArn : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. Tagging is only supported for directories.

Parameter maxResults : The MaxResults parameter sets the maximum number of results returned in a single page. This is for future use and is not supported currently.

Parameter nextToken : The pagination token. This is for future use. Currently pagination is not supported for tagging.


Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource({
  required String resourceArn,
  int? maxResults,
  String? nextToken,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(resourceArn, 'resourceArn');
  final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
    'ResourceArn': resourceArn,
    if (maxResults != null) 'MaxResults': maxResults,
    if (nextToken != null) 'NextToken': nextToken,
  final response = await _protocol.send(
    payload: $payload,
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/amazonclouddirectory/2017-01-11/tags',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
  return ListTagsForResourceResponse.fromJson(response);