listIncomingTypedLinks method

Future<ListIncomingTypedLinksResponse> listIncomingTypedLinks({
  1. required String directoryArn,
  2. required ObjectReference objectReference,
  3. ConsistencyLevel? consistencyLevel,
  4. List<TypedLinkAttributeRange>? filterAttributeRanges,
  5. TypedLinkSchemaAndFacetName? filterTypedLink,
  6. int? maxResults,
  7. String? nextToken,

Returns a paginated list of all the incoming TypedLinkSpecifier information for an object. It also supports filtering by typed link facet and identity attributes. For more information, see Typed link.

May throw InternalServiceException. May throw InvalidArnException. May throw RetryableConflictException. May throw ValidationException. May throw LimitExceededException. May throw AccessDeniedException. May throw DirectoryNotEnabledException. May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw InvalidNextTokenException. May throw FacetValidationException.

Parameter directoryArn : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the directory where you want to list the typed links.

Parameter objectReference : Reference that identifies the object whose attributes will be listed.

Parameter consistencyLevel : The consistency level to execute the request at.

Parameter filterAttributeRanges : Provides range filters for multiple attributes. When providing ranges to typed link selection, any inexact ranges must be specified at the end. Any attributes that do not have a range specified are presumed to match the entire range.

Parameter filterTypedLink : Filters are interpreted in the order of the attributes on the typed link facet, not the order in which they are supplied to any API calls.

Parameter maxResults : The maximum number of results to retrieve.

Parameter nextToken : The pagination token.


Future<ListIncomingTypedLinksResponse> listIncomingTypedLinks({
  required String directoryArn,
  required ObjectReference objectReference,
  ConsistencyLevel? consistencyLevel,
  List<TypedLinkAttributeRange>? filterAttributeRanges,
  TypedLinkSchemaAndFacetName? filterTypedLink,
  int? maxResults,
  String? nextToken,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(directoryArn, 'directoryArn');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(objectReference, 'objectReference');
  final headers = <String, String>{
    'x-amz-data-partition': directoryArn.toString(),
  final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
    'ObjectReference': objectReference,
    if (consistencyLevel != null)
      'ConsistencyLevel': consistencyLevel.toValue(),
    if (filterAttributeRanges != null)
      'FilterAttributeRanges': filterAttributeRanges,
    if (filterTypedLink != null) 'FilterTypedLink': filterTypedLink,
    if (maxResults != null) 'MaxResults': maxResults,
    if (nextToken != null) 'NextToken': nextToken,
  final response = await _protocol.send(
    payload: $payload,
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/amazonclouddirectory/2017-01-11/typedlink/incoming',
    headers: headers,
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
  return ListIncomingTypedLinksResponse.fromJson(response);