Chime class

The Amazon Chime API (application programming interface) is designed for developers to perform key tasks, such as creating and managing Amazon Chime accounts, users, and Voice Connectors. This guide provides detailed information about the Amazon Chime API, including operations, types, inputs and outputs, and error codes. It also includes some server-side API actions to use with the Amazon Chime SDK. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.

You can use an AWS SDK, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the REST API to make API calls. We recommend using an AWS SDK or the AWS CLI. Each API operation includes links to information about using it with a language-specific AWS SDK or the AWS CLI.

Using an AWS SDK
You don't need to write code to calculate a signature for request authentication. The SDK clients authenticate your requests by using access keys that you provide. For more information about AWS SDKs, see the AWS Developer Center.
Using the AWS CLI
Use your access keys with the AWS CLI to make API calls. For information about setting up the AWS CLI, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. For a list of available Amazon Chime commands, see the Amazon Chime commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Using REST
If you use REST to make API calls, you must authenticate your request by providing a signature. Amazon Chime supports Signature Version 4. For more information, see Signature Version 4 Signing Process in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

When making REST API calls, use the service name chime and REST endpoint

Administrative permissions are controlled using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). For more information, see Identity and Access Management for Amazon Chime in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.


Chime({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


associatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnector({required List<String> e164PhoneNumbers, required String voiceConnectorId, bool? forceAssociate}) Future<AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResponse>
Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
associatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroup({required List<String> e164PhoneNumbers, required String voiceConnectorGroupId, bool? forceAssociate}) Future<AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResponse>
Associates phone numbers with the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.
associatePhoneNumberWithUser({required String accountId, required String e164PhoneNumber, required String userId}) Future<void>
Associates a phone number with the specified Amazon Chime user.
associateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccount({required String accountId, required List<SigninDelegateGroup> signinDelegateGroups}) Future<void>
Associates the specified sign-in delegate groups with the specified Amazon Chime account.
batchCreateAttendee({required List<CreateAttendeeRequestItem> attendees, required String meetingId}) Future<BatchCreateAttendeeResponse>
Creates up to 100 new attendees for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
batchCreateRoomMembership({required String accountId, required List<MembershipItem> membershipItemList, required String roomId}) Future<BatchCreateRoomMembershipResponse>
Adds up to 50 members to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account. Members can be either users or bots. The member role designates whether the member is a chat room administrator or a general chat room member.
batchDeletePhoneNumber({required List<String> phoneNumberIds}) Future<BatchDeletePhoneNumberResponse>
Moves phone numbers into the Deletion queue. Phone numbers must be disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors before they can be deleted.
batchSuspendUser({required String accountId, required List<String> userIdList}) Future<BatchSuspendUserResponse>
Suspends up to 50 users from a Team or EnterpriseLWA Amazon Chime account. For more information about different account types, see Managing Your Amazon Chime Accounts in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
batchUnsuspendUser({required String accountId, required List<String> userIdList}) Future<BatchUnsuspendUserResponse>
Removes the suspension from up to 50 previously suspended users for the specified Amazon Chime EnterpriseLWA account. Only users on EnterpriseLWA accounts can be unsuspended using this action. For more information about different account types, see Managing Your Amazon Chime Accounts in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
batchUpdatePhoneNumber({required List<UpdatePhoneNumberRequestItem> updatePhoneNumberRequestItems}) Future<BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResponse>
Updates phone number product types or calling names. You can update one attribute at a time for each UpdatePhoneNumberRequestItem. For example, you can update either the product type or the calling name.
batchUpdateUser({required String accountId, required List<UpdateUserRequestItem> updateUserRequestItems}) Future<BatchUpdateUserResponse>
Updates user details within the UpdateUserRequestItem object for up to 20 users for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently, only LicenseType updates are supported for this action.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createAccount({required String name}) Future<CreateAccountResponse>
Creates an Amazon Chime account under the administrator's AWS account. Only Team account types are currently supported for this action. For more information about different account types, see Managing Your Amazon Chime Accounts in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
createAppInstance({required String name, String? clientRequestToken, String? metadata}) Future<CreateAppInstanceResponse>
Creates an Amazon Chime Messaging SDK AppInstance under an AWS Account. Only Messaging SDK customers use this API. CreateAppInstance supports idempotency behavior as described in the AWS API Standard.
createAppInstanceAdmin({required String appInstanceAdminArn, required String appInstanceArn}) Future<CreateAppInstanceAdminResponse>
Promotes an AppInstanceUser to an AppInstanceAdmin. The promoted user can perform the following actions.
createAppInstanceUser({required String appInstanceArn, required String appInstanceUserId, required String name, String? clientRequestToken, String? metadata}) Future<CreateAppInstanceUserResponse>
Creates a user under an Amazon Chime AppInstance. The request consists of a unique appInstanceUserId and Name for that user.
createAttendee({required String externalUserId, required String meetingId, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateAttendeeResponse>
Creates a new attendee for an active Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
createBot({required String accountId, required String displayName, String? domain}) Future<CreateBotResponse>
Creates a bot for an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
createChannel({required String appInstanceArn, required String name, String? clientRequestToken, String? metadata, ChannelMode? mode, ChannelPrivacy? privacy, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateChannelResponse>
Creates a channel to which you can add users and send messages.
createChannelBan({required String channelArn, required String memberArn}) Future<CreateChannelBanResponse>
Permanently bans a member from a channel. Moderators can't add banned members to a channel. To undo a ban, you first have to DeleteChannelBan, and then CreateChannelMembership. Bans are cleaned up when you delete users or channels.
createChannelMembership({required String channelArn, required String memberArn, required ChannelMembershipType type}) Future<CreateChannelMembershipResponse>
Adds a user to a channel. The InvitedBy response field is derived from the request header. A channel member can:
createChannelModerator({required String channelArn, required String channelModeratorArn}) Future<CreateChannelModeratorResponse>
Creates a new ChannelModerator. A channel moderator can:
createMeeting({String? clientRequestToken, String? externalMeetingId, String? mediaRegion, String? meetingHostId, MeetingNotificationConfiguration? notificationsConfiguration, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateMeetingResponse>
Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region with no initial attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see Amazon Chime SDK Media Regions in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
createMeetingDialOut({required String fromPhoneNumber, required String joinToken, required String meetingId, required String toPhoneNumber}) Future<CreateMeetingDialOutResponse>
Uses the join token and call metadata in a meeting request (From number, To number, and so forth) to initiate an outbound call to a public switched telephone network (PSTN) and joins them into Chime meeting. Also ensures that the From number belongs to the customer.
createMeetingWithAttendees({List<CreateAttendeeRequestItem>? attendees, String? clientRequestToken, String? externalMeetingId, String? mediaRegion, String? meetingHostId, MeetingNotificationConfiguration? notificationsConfiguration, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResponse>
Creates a new Amazon Chime SDK meeting in the specified media Region, with attendees. For more information about specifying media Regions, see Amazon Chime SDK Media Regions in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
createPhoneNumberOrder({required List<String> e164PhoneNumbers, required PhoneNumberProductType productType}) Future<CreatePhoneNumberOrderResponse>
Creates an order for phone numbers to be provisioned. Choose from Amazon Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector product types. For toll-free numbers, you must use the Amazon Chime Voice Connector product type.
createProxySession({required List<Capability> capabilities, required List<String> participantPhoneNumbers, required String voiceConnectorId, int? expiryMinutes, GeoMatchLevel? geoMatchLevel, GeoMatchParams? geoMatchParams, String? name, NumberSelectionBehavior? numberSelectionBehavior}) Future<CreateProxySessionResponse>
Creates a proxy session on the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector for the specified participant phone numbers.
createRoom({required String accountId, required String name, String? clientRequestToken}) Future<CreateRoomResponse>
Creates a chat room for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
createRoomMembership({required String accountId, required String memberId, required String roomId, RoomMembershipRole? role}) Future<CreateRoomMembershipResponse>
Adds a member to a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account. A member can be either a user or a bot. The member role designates whether the member is a chat room administrator or a general chat room member.
createSipMediaApplication({required String awsRegion, required List<SipMediaApplicationEndpoint> endpoints, String? name}) Future<CreateSipMediaApplicationResponse>
Creates a SIP media application.
createSipMediaApplicationCall({required String sipMediaApplicationId, String? fromPhoneNumber, String? toPhoneNumber}) Future<CreateSipMediaApplicationCallResponse>
Creates an outbound call to a phone number from the phone number specified in the request, and it invokes the endpoint of the specified sipMediaApplicationId.
createSipRule({required String name, required List<SipRuleTargetApplication> targetApplications, required SipRuleTriggerType triggerType, required String triggerValue, bool? disabled}) Future<CreateSipRuleResponse>
Creates a SIP rule which can be used to run a SIP media application as a target for a specific trigger type.
createUser({required String accountId, String? email, UserType? userType, String? username}) Future<CreateUserResponse>
Creates a user under the specified Amazon Chime account.
createVoiceConnector({required String name, required bool requireEncryption, VoiceConnectorAwsRegion? awsRegion}) Future<CreateVoiceConnectorResponse>
Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector under the administrator's AWS account. You can choose to create an Amazon Chime Voice Connector in a specific AWS Region.
createVoiceConnectorGroup({required String name, List<VoiceConnectorItem>? voiceConnectorItems}) Future<CreateVoiceConnectorGroupResponse>
Creates an Amazon Chime Voice Connector group under the administrator's AWS account. You can associate Amazon Chime Voice Connectors with the Amazon Chime Voice Connector group by including VoiceConnectorItems in the request.
deleteAccount({required String accountId}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified Amazon Chime account. You must suspend all users before deleting a Team account. You can use the BatchSuspendUser action to do so.
deleteAppInstance({required String appInstanceArn}) Future<void>
Deletes an AppInstance and all associated data asynchronously.
deleteAppInstanceAdmin({required String appInstanceAdminArn, required String appInstanceArn}) Future<void>
Demotes an AppInstanceAdmin to an AppInstanceUser. This action does not delete the user.
deleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations({required String appInstanceArn}) Future<void>
Deletes the streaming configurations of an app instance.
deleteAppInstanceUser({required String appInstanceUserArn}) Future<void>
Deletes an AppInstanceUser.
deleteAttendee({required String attendeeId, required String meetingId}) Future<void>
Deletes an attendee from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting and deletes their JoinToken. Attendees are automatically deleted when a Amazon Chime SDK meeting is deleted. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
deleteChannel({required String channelArn}) Future<void>
Immediately makes a channel and its memberships inaccessible and marks them for deletion. This is an irreversible process.
deleteChannelBan({required String channelArn, required String memberArn}) Future<void>
Removes a user from a channel's ban list.
deleteChannelMembership({required String channelArn, required String memberArn}) Future<void>
Removes a member from a channel.
deleteChannelMessage({required String channelArn, required String messageId}) Future<void>
Deletes a channel message. Only admins can perform this action. Deletion makes messages inaccessible immediately. A background process deletes any revisions created by UpdateChannelMessage.
deleteChannelModerator({required String channelArn, required String channelModeratorArn}) Future<void>
Deletes a channel moderator.
deleteEventsConfiguration({required String accountId, required String botId}) Future<void>
Deletes the events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing events.
deleteMeeting({required String meetingId}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. When a meeting is deleted, its attendees are also deleted and clients can no longer join it. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
deletePhoneNumber({required String phoneNumberId}) Future<void>
Moves the specified phone number into the Deletion queue. A phone number must be disassociated from any users or Amazon Chime Voice Connectors before it can be deleted.
deleteProxySession({required String proxySessionId, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified proxy session from the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
deleteRoom({required String accountId, required String roomId}) Future<void>
Deletes a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
deleteRoomMembership({required String accountId, required String memberId, required String roomId}) Future<void>
Removes a member from a chat room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
deleteSipMediaApplication({required String sipMediaApplicationId}) Future<void>
Deletes a SIP media application.
deleteSipRule({required String sipRuleId}) Future<void>
Deletes a SIP rule. You must disable a SIP rule before you can delete it.
deleteVoiceConnector({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. Any phone numbers associated with the Amazon Chime Voice Connector must be disassociated from it before it can be deleted.
deleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the emergency calling configuration details from the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
deleteVoiceConnectorGroup({required String voiceConnectorGroupId}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group. Any VoiceConnectorItems and phone numbers associated with the group must be removed before it can be deleted.
deleteVoiceConnectorOrigination({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
deleteVoiceConnectorProxy({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the proxy configuration from the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
deleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
deleteVoiceConnectorTermination({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
deleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials({required List<String> usernames, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified SIP credentials used by your equipment to authenticate during call termination.
describeAppInstance({required String appInstanceArn}) Future<DescribeAppInstanceResponse>
Returns the full details of an AppInstance.
describeAppInstanceAdmin({required String appInstanceAdminArn, required String appInstanceArn}) Future<DescribeAppInstanceAdminResponse>
Returns the full details of an AppInstanceAdmin.
describeAppInstanceUser({required String appInstanceUserArn}) Future<DescribeAppInstanceUserResponse>
Returns the full details of an AppInstanceUser.
describeChannel({required String channelArn}) Future<DescribeChannelResponse>
Returns the full details of a channel in an Amazon Chime app instance.
describeChannelBan({required String channelArn, required String memberArn}) Future<DescribeChannelBanResponse>
Returns the full details of a channel ban.
describeChannelMembership({required String channelArn, required String memberArn}) Future<DescribeChannelMembershipResponse>
Returns the full details of a user's channel membership.
describeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUser({required String appInstanceUserArn, required String channelArn}) Future<DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResponse>
Returns the details of a channel based on the membership of the AppInstanceUser specified.
describeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUser({required String appInstanceUserArn, required String channelArn}) Future<DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponse>
Returns the full details of a channel moderated by the specified AppInstanceUser.
describeChannelModerator({required String channelArn, required String channelModeratorArn}) Future<DescribeChannelModeratorResponse>
Returns the full details of a single ChannelModerator.
disassociatePhoneNumberFromUser({required String accountId, required String userId}) Future<void>
Disassociates the primary provisioned phone number from the specified Amazon Chime user.
disassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnector({required List<String> e164PhoneNumbers, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResponse>
Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
disassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroup({required List<String> e164PhoneNumbers, required String voiceConnectorGroupId}) Future<DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResponse>
Disassociates the specified phone numbers from the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.
disassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccount({required String accountId, required List<String> groupNames}) Future<void>
Disassociates the specified sign-in delegate groups from the specified Amazon Chime account.
getAccount({required String accountId}) Future<GetAccountResponse>
Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime account, such as account type and supported licenses.
getAccountSettings({required String accountId}) Future<GetAccountSettingsResponse>
Retrieves account settings for the specified Amazon Chime account ID, such as remote control and dial out settings. For more information about these settings, see Use the Policies Page in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
getAppInstanceRetentionSettings({required String appInstanceArn}) Future<GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponse>
Gets the retention settings for an app instance.
getAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations({required String appInstanceArn}) Future<GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponse>
Gets the streaming settings for an app instance.
getAttendee({required String attendeeId, required String meetingId}) Future<GetAttendeeResponse>
Gets the Amazon Chime SDK attendee details for a specified meeting ID and attendee ID. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
getBot({required String accountId, required String botId}) Future<GetBotResponse>
Retrieves details for the specified bot, such as bot email address, bot type, status, and display name.
getChannelMessage({required String channelArn, required String messageId}) Future<GetChannelMessageResponse>
Gets the full details of a channel message.
getEventsConfiguration({required String accountId, required String botId}) Future<GetEventsConfigurationResponse>
Gets details for an events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing events, such as an HTTPS endpoint or Lambda function ARN.
getGlobalSettings() Future<GetGlobalSettingsResponse>
Retrieves global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.
getMeeting({required String meetingId}) Future<GetMeetingResponse>
Gets the Amazon Chime SDK meeting details for the specified meeting ID. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
getMessagingSessionEndpoint() Future<GetMessagingSessionEndpointResponse>
The endpoint for the messaging session.
getPhoneNumber({required String phoneNumberId}) Future<GetPhoneNumberResponse>
Retrieves details for the specified phone number ID, such as associations, capabilities, and product type.
getPhoneNumberOrder({required String phoneNumberOrderId}) Future<GetPhoneNumberOrderResponse>
Retrieves details for the specified phone number order, such as order creation timestamp, phone numbers in E.164 format, product type, and order status.
getPhoneNumberSettings() Future<GetPhoneNumberSettingsResponse>
Retrieves the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as the default outbound calling name.
getProxySession({required String proxySessionId, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetProxySessionResponse>
Gets the specified proxy session details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
getRetentionSettings({required String accountId}) Future<GetRetentionSettingsResponse>
Gets the retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account. For more information about retention settings, see Managing Chat Retention Policies in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
getRoom({required String accountId, required String roomId}) Future<GetRoomResponse>
Retrieves room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
getSipMediaApplication({required String sipMediaApplicationId}) Future<GetSipMediaApplicationResponse>
Retrieves the information for a SIP media application, including name, AWS Region, and endpoints.
getSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration({required String sipMediaApplicationId}) Future<GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponse>
Returns the logging configuration for the specified SIP media application.
getSipRule({required String sipRuleId}) Future<GetSipRuleResponse>
Retrieves the details of a SIP rule, such as the rule ID, name, triggers, and target endpoints.
getUser({required String accountId, required String userId}) Future<GetUserResponse>
Retrieves details for the specified user ID, such as primary email address, license type, and personal meeting PIN.
getUserSettings({required String accountId, required String userId}) Future<GetUserSettingsResponse>
Retrieves settings for the specified user ID, such as any associated phone number settings.
getVoiceConnector({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorResponse>
Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector, such as timestamps, name, outbound host, and encryption requirements.
getVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponse>
Gets the emergency calling configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
getVoiceConnectorGroup({required String voiceConnectorGroupId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorGroupResponse>
Retrieves details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such as timestamps, name, and associated VoiceConnectorItems.
getVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponse>
Retrieves the logging configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. Shows whether SIP message logs are enabled for sending to Amazon CloudWatch.
getVoiceConnectorOrigination({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorOriginationResponse>
Retrieves origination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
getVoiceConnectorProxy({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorProxyResponse>
Gets the proxy configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
getVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponse>
Retrieves the streaming configuration details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. Shows whether media streaming is enabled for sending to Amazon Kinesis. It also shows the retention period, in hours, for the Amazon Kinesis data.
getVoiceConnectorTermination({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorTerminationResponse>
Retrieves termination setting details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
getVoiceConnectorTerminationHealth({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthResponse>
Retrieves information about the last time a SIP OPTIONS ping was received from your SIP infrastructure for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
inviteUsers({required String accountId, required List<String> userEmailList, UserType? userType}) Future<InviteUsersResponse>
Sends email to a maximum of 50 users, inviting them to the specified Amazon Chime Team account. Only Team account types are currently supported for this action.
listAccounts({int? maxResults, String? name, String? nextToken, String? userEmail}) Future<ListAccountsResponse>
Lists the Amazon Chime accounts under the administrator's AWS account. You can filter accounts by account name prefix. To find out which Amazon Chime account a user belongs to, you can filter by the user's email address, which returns one account result.
listAppInstanceAdmins({required String appInstanceArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListAppInstanceAdminsResponse>
Returns a list of the administrators in the app instance.
listAppInstances({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListAppInstancesResponse>
Lists all Amazon Chime app instances created under a single AWS account.
listAppInstanceUsers({required String appInstanceArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListAppInstanceUsersResponse>
List all AppInstanceUsers created under a single app instance.
listAttendees({required String meetingId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListAttendeesResponse>
Lists the attendees for the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
listAttendeeTags({required String attendeeId, required String meetingId}) Future<ListAttendeeTagsResponse>
Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK attendee resource.
listBots({required String accountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListBotsResponse>
Lists the bots associated with the administrator's Amazon Chime Enterprise account ID.
listChannelBans({required String channelArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListChannelBansResponse>
Lists all the users banned from a particular channel.
listChannelMemberships({required String channelArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, ChannelMembershipType? type}) Future<ListChannelMembershipsResponse>
Lists all channel memberships in a channel.
listChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser({String? appInstanceUserArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResponse>
Lists all channels that a particular AppInstanceUser is a part of. Only an AppInstanceAdmin can call the API with a user ARN that is not their own.
listChannelMessages({required String channelArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, DateTime? notAfter, DateTime? notBefore, SortOrder? sortOrder}) Future<ListChannelMessagesResponse>
List all the messages in a channel. Returns a paginated list of ChannelMessages. Sorted in descending order by default, based on the creation timestamp.
listChannelModerators({required String channelArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListChannelModeratorsResponse>
Lists all the moderators for a channel.
listChannels({required String appInstanceArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, ChannelPrivacy? privacy}) Future<ListChannelsResponse>
Lists all Channels created under a single Chime App as a paginated list. You can specify filters to narrow results.
listChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser({String? appInstanceUserArn, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponse>
A list of the channels moderated by an app instance user.
listMeetings({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListMeetingsResponse>
Lists up to 100 active Amazon Chime SDK meetings. For more information about the Amazon Chime SDK, see Using the Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime Developer Guide.
listMeetingTags({required String meetingId}) Future<ListMeetingTagsResponse>
Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.
listPhoneNumberOrders({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListPhoneNumberOrdersResponse>
Lists the phone number orders for the administrator's Amazon Chime account.
listPhoneNumbers({PhoneNumberAssociationName? filterName, String? filterValue, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, PhoneNumberProductType? productType, PhoneNumberStatus? status}) Future<ListPhoneNumbersResponse>
Lists the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Chime account, Amazon Chime user, Amazon Chime Voice Connector, or Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.
listProxySessions({required String voiceConnectorId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, ProxySessionStatus? status}) Future<ListProxySessionsResponse>
Lists the proxy sessions for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
listRoomMemberships({required String accountId, required String roomId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListRoomMembershipsResponse>
Lists the membership details for the specified room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account, such as the members' IDs, email addresses, and names.
listRooms({required String accountId, int? maxResults, String? memberId, String? nextToken}) Future<ListRoomsResponse>
Lists the room details for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account. Optionally, filter the results by a member ID (user ID or bot ID) to see a list of rooms that the member belongs to.
listSipMediaApplications({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListSipMediaApplicationsResponse>
Lists the SIP media applications under the administrator's AWS account.
listSipRules({int? maxResults, String? nextToken, String? sipMediaApplicationId}) Future<ListSipRulesResponse>
Lists the SIP rules under the administrator's AWS account.
listTagsForResource({required String resourceARN}) Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse>
Lists the tags applied to an Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.
listUsers({required String accountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, String? userEmail, UserType? userType}) Future<ListUsersResponse>
Lists the users that belong to the specified Amazon Chime account. You can specify an email address to list only the user that the email address belongs to.
listVoiceConnectorGroups({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResponse>
Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connector groups for the administrator's AWS account.
listVoiceConnectors({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListVoiceConnectorsResponse>
Lists the Amazon Chime Voice Connectors for the administrator's AWS account.
listVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials({required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponse>
Lists the SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
logoutUser({required String accountId, required String userId}) Future<void>
Logs out the specified user from all of the devices they are currently logged into.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
putAppInstanceRetentionSettings({required String appInstanceArn, required AppInstanceRetentionSettings appInstanceRetentionSettings}) Future<PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponse>
Sets the amount of time in days that a given app instance retains data.
putAppInstanceStreamingConfigurations({required String appInstanceArn, required List<AppInstanceStreamingConfiguration> appInstanceStreamingConfigurations}) Future<PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponse>
The data streaming configurations of an app instance.
putEventsConfiguration({required String accountId, required String botId, String? lambdaFunctionArn, String? outboundEventsHTTPSEndpoint}) Future<PutEventsConfigurationResponse>
Creates an events configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing events sent by Amazon Chime. Choose either an HTTPS endpoint or a Lambda function ARN. For more information, see Bot.
putRetentionSettings({required String accountId, required RetentionSettings retentionSettings}) Future<PutRetentionSettingsResponse>
Puts retention settings for the specified Amazon Chime Enterprise account. We recommend using AWS CloudTrail to monitor usage of this API for your account. For more information, see Logging Amazon Chime API Calls with AWS CloudTrail in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
putSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration({required String sipMediaApplicationId, SipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration? sipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration}) Future<PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponse>
Updates the logging configuration for the specified SIP media application.
putVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfiguration({required EmergencyCallingConfiguration emergencyCallingConfiguration, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponse>
Puts emergency calling configuration details to the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector, such as emergency phone numbers and calling countries. Origination and termination settings must be enabled for the Amazon Chime Voice Connector before emergency calling can be configured.
putVoiceConnectorLoggingConfiguration({required LoggingConfiguration loggingConfiguration, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponse>
Adds a logging configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. The logging configuration specifies whether SIP message logs are enabled for sending to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
putVoiceConnectorOrigination({required Origination origination, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<PutVoiceConnectorOriginationResponse>
Adds origination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
putVoiceConnectorProxy({required int defaultSessionExpiryMinutes, required List<String> phoneNumberPoolCountries, required String voiceConnectorId, bool? disabled, String? fallBackPhoneNumber}) Future<PutVoiceConnectorProxyResponse>
Puts the specified proxy configuration to the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
putVoiceConnectorStreamingConfiguration({required StreamingConfiguration streamingConfiguration, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponse>
Adds a streaming configuration for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector. The streaming configuration specifies whether media streaming is enabled for sending to Amazon Kinesis. It also sets the retention period, in hours, for the Amazon Kinesis data.
putVoiceConnectorTermination({required Termination termination, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<PutVoiceConnectorTerminationResponse>
Adds termination settings for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
putVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentials({required String voiceConnectorId, List<Credential>? credentials}) Future<void>
Adds termination SIP credentials for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
redactChannelMessage({required String channelArn, required String messageId}) Future<RedactChannelMessageResponse>
Redacts message content, but not metadata. The message exists in the back end, but the action returns null content, and the state shows as redacted.
redactConversationMessage({required String accountId, required String conversationId, required String messageId}) Future<void>
Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime conversation.
redactRoomMessage({required String accountId, required String messageId, required String roomId}) Future<void>
Redacts the specified message from the specified Amazon Chime channel.
regenerateSecurityToken({required String accountId, required String botId}) Future<RegenerateSecurityTokenResponse>
Regenerates the security token for a bot.
resetPersonalPIN({required String accountId, required String userId}) Future<ResetPersonalPINResponse>
Resets the personal meeting PIN for the specified user on an Amazon Chime account. Returns the User object with the updated personal meeting PIN.
restorePhoneNumber({required String phoneNumberId}) Future<RestorePhoneNumberResponse>
Moves a phone number from the Deletion queue back into the phone number Inventory.
searchAvailablePhoneNumbers({String? areaCode, String? city, String? country, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, String? state, String? tollFreePrefix}) Future<SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse>
Searches phone numbers that can be ordered.
sendChannelMessage({required String channelArn, required String content, required ChannelMessagePersistenceType persistence, required ChannelMessageType type, String? clientRequestToken, String? metadata}) Future<SendChannelMessageResponse>
Sends a message to a particular channel that the member is a part of.
tagAttendee({required String attendeeId, required String meetingId, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<void>
Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK attendee.
tagMeeting({required String meetingId, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<void>
Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting.
tagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<void>
Applies the specified tags to the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
untagAttendee({required String attendeeId, required String meetingId, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK attendee.
untagMeeting({required String meetingId, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting.
untagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Untags the specified tags from the specified Amazon Chime SDK meeting resource.
updateAccount({required String accountId, String? name}) Future<UpdateAccountResponse>
Updates account details for the specified Amazon Chime account. Currently, only account name updates are supported for this action.
updateAccountSettings({required String accountId, required AccountSettings accountSettings}) Future<void>
Updates the settings for the specified Amazon Chime account. You can update settings for remote control of shared screens, or for the dial-out option. For more information about these settings, see Use the Policies Page in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
updateAppInstance({required String appInstanceArn, required String name, String? metadata}) Future<UpdateAppInstanceResponse>
Updates AppInstance metadata.
updateAppInstanceUser({required String appInstanceUserArn, required String name, String? metadata}) Future<UpdateAppInstanceUserResponse>
Updates the details for an AppInstanceUser. You can update names and metadata.
updateBot({required String accountId, required String botId, bool? disabled}) Future<UpdateBotResponse>
Updates the status of the specified bot, such as starting or stopping the bot from running in your Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
updateChannel({required String channelArn, required ChannelMode mode, required String name, String? metadata}) Future<UpdateChannelResponse>
Update a channel's attributes.
updateChannelMessage({required String channelArn, required String messageId, String? content, String? metadata}) Future<UpdateChannelMessageResponse>
Updates the content of a message.
updateChannelReadMarker({required String channelArn}) Future<UpdateChannelReadMarkerResponse>
Sets the timestamp to the point when a user last read messages in a channel.
updateGlobalSettings({required BusinessCallingSettings businessCalling, required VoiceConnectorSettings voiceConnector}) Future<void>
Updates global settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as Amazon Chime Business Calling and Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.
updatePhoneNumber({required String phoneNumberId, String? callingName, PhoneNumberProductType? productType}) Future<UpdatePhoneNumberResponse>
Updates phone number details, such as product type or calling name, for the specified phone number ID. You can update one phone number detail at a time. For example, you can update either the product type or the calling name in one action.
updatePhoneNumberSettings({required String callingName}) Future<void>
Updates the phone number settings for the administrator's AWS account, such as the default outbound calling name. You can update the default outbound calling name once every seven days. Outbound calling names can take up to 72 hours to update.
updateProxySession({required List<Capability> capabilities, required String proxySessionId, required String voiceConnectorId, int? expiryMinutes}) Future<UpdateProxySessionResponse>
Updates the specified proxy session details, such as voice or SMS capabilities.
updateRoom({required String accountId, required String roomId, String? name}) Future<UpdateRoomResponse>
Updates room details, such as the room name, for a room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
updateRoomMembership({required String accountId, required String memberId, required String roomId, RoomMembershipRole? role}) Future<UpdateRoomMembershipResponse>
Updates room membership details, such as the member role, for a room in an Amazon Chime Enterprise account. The member role designates whether the member is a chat room administrator or a general chat room member. The member role can be updated only for user IDs.
updateSipMediaApplication({required String sipMediaApplicationId, List<SipMediaApplicationEndpoint>? endpoints, String? name}) Future<UpdateSipMediaApplicationResponse>
Updates the details for the specified SIP media application.
updateSipRule({required String name, required String sipRuleId, bool? disabled, List<SipRuleTargetApplication>? targetApplications}) Future<UpdateSipRuleResponse>
Updates the details for the specified SIP rule.
updateUser({required String accountId, required String userId, AlexaForBusinessMetadata? alexaForBusinessMetadata, License? licenseType, UserType? userType}) Future<UpdateUserResponse>
Updates user details for a specified user ID. Currently, only LicenseType updates are supported for this action.
updateUserSettings({required String accountId, required String userId, required UserSettings userSettings}) Future<void>
Updates the settings for the specified user, such as phone number settings.
updateVoiceConnector({required String name, required bool requireEncryption, required String voiceConnectorId}) Future<UpdateVoiceConnectorResponse>
Updates details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
updateVoiceConnectorGroup({required String name, required String voiceConnectorGroupId, required List<VoiceConnectorItem> voiceConnectorItems}) Future<UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupResponse>
Updates details for the specified Amazon Chime Voice Connector group, such as the name and Amazon Chime Voice Connector priority ranking.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.