swappiness property

int? swappiness

This allows you to tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. A swappiness value of 0 causes swapping not to happen unless absolutely necessary. A swappiness value of 100 causes pages to be swapped very aggressively. Accepted values are whole numbers between 0 and 100. If the swappiness parameter isn't specified, a default value of 60 is used. If a value isn't specified for maxSwap then this parameter is ignored. If maxSwap is set to 0, the container doesn't use swap. This parameter maps to the --memory-swappiness option to docker run.

Consider the following when you use a per-container swap configuration.

  • Swap space must be enabled and allocated on the container instance for the containers to use.
  • The swap space parameters are only supported for job definitions using EC2 resources.
  • If the maxSwap and swappiness parameters are omitted from a job definition, each container will have a default swappiness value of 60 and the total swap usage will be limited to two times the memory reservation of the container.


final int? swappiness;