passthroughBehavior property

PassthroughBehavior? passthroughBehavior

Specifies the pass-through behavior for incoming requests based on the Content-Type header in the request, and the available mapping templates specified as the requestTemplates property on the Integration resource. There are three valid values: WHEN_NO_MATCH, WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES, and NEVER. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.

WHEN_NO_MATCH passes the request body for unmapped content types through to the integration backend without transformation.

NEVER rejects unmapped content types with an HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response.

WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES allows pass-through when the integration has no content types mapped to templates. However, if there is at least one content type defined, unmapped content types will be rejected with the same HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response.


final PassthroughBehavior? passthroughBehavior;