tagResource method
Creates a new Tag resource to represent a tag.
May throw NotFoundException. May throw TooManyRequestsException. May throw BadRequestException. May throw ConflictException.
Parameter resourceArn
The resource ARN for the tag.
Parameter tags
The collection of tags. Each tag element is associated with a given
Future<void> tagResource({
required String resourceArn,
Map<String, String>? tags,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(resourceArn, 'resourceArn');
final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
if (tags != null) 'tags': tags,
final response = await _protocol.send(
payload: $payload,
method: 'POST',
requestUri: '/v2/tags/${Uri.encodeComponent(resourceArn)}',
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,