AwsMarkdownFloatingMenu constructor

const AwsMarkdownFloatingMenu({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required bool useIncludedTextField,
  3. TextEditingController? controller,
  4. FocusNode? focusNode,
  5. bool collapsable = true,
  6. bool alignCollapseButtonEnd = false,
  7. bool flipCollapseButtonIcon = false,
  8. Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFFEEEEEE),
  9. Color dropdownTextColor =,
  10. Color iconColor = const Color(0xFF303030),
  11. double iconSize = 24.0,
  12. BorderRadius borderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(6.0)),
  13. double width = 60.0,
  14. double height = 40.0,
  15. double spacing = 4.0,
  16. double runSpacing = 4.0,
  17. WrapAlignment alignment = WrapAlignment.end,
  18. String boldCharacter = '**',
  19. String italicCharacter = '*',
  20. String codeCharacter = '```',
  21. String bulletedListCharacter = '-',
  22. String horizontalRuleCharacter = '---',
  23. bool hideHeading = false,
  24. bool hideBold = false,
  25. bool hideItalic = false,
  26. bool hideStrikethrough = false,
  27. bool hideLink = false,
  28. bool hideImage = false,
  29. bool hideCode = true,
  30. bool hideBulletedList = false,
  31. bool hideNumberedList = false,
  32. bool hideCheckbox = true,
  33. bool hideQuote = false,
  34. bool hideHorizontalRule = false,
  35. bool showTooltips = true,
  36. String headingTooltip = 'Heading',
  37. String boldTooltip = 'Bold',
  38. String italicTooltip = 'Italic',
  39. String strikethroughTooltip = 'Strikethrough',
  40. String linkTooltip = 'Link',
  41. String imageTooltip = 'Image',
  42. String codeTooltip = 'Code',
  43. String bulletedListTooltip = 'Bulleted list',
  44. String numberedListTooltip = 'Numbered list',
  45. String checkboxTooltip = 'Checkbox',
  46. String quoteTooltip = 'Quote',
  47. String horizontalRuleTooltip = 'Horizontal rule',

Creates a AwsMarkdownFloatingMenu widget.

The following field is necessary: useIncludedTextField (bool)

If you set useIncludedTextField to true, you are ready to use the Widget with its included TextField.

If you set useIncludedTextField to false, you need a TextField widget outside of the AwsMarkdownFloatingMenu which has the same controller and focusNode set as the AwsMarkdownFloatingMenu (see below).

Remember: In this case, you have to set the controller and focusNode fields in your AwsMarkdownFloatingMenu. Hover over each field for more details on implementing your own TextField correctly.


const AwsMarkdownFloatingMenu({
  required this.useIncludedTextField,
  this.collapsable = true,
  this.alignCollapseButtonEnd = false,
  this.flipCollapseButtonIcon = false,
  this.backgroundColor = const Color(0xFFEEEEEE),
  this.dropdownTextColor =,
  this.iconColor = const Color(0xFF303030),
  this.iconSize = 24.0,
  this.borderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(6.0)),
  this.width = 60.0,
  this.height = 40.0,
  this.spacing = 4.0,
  this.runSpacing = 4.0,
  this.alignment = WrapAlignment.end,
  this.boldCharacter = '**',
  this.italicCharacter = '*',
  this.codeCharacter = '```',
  this.bulletedListCharacter = '-',
  this.horizontalRuleCharacter = '---',
  this.hideHeading = false,
  this.hideBold = false,
  this.hideItalic = false,
  this.hideStrikethrough = false,
  this.hideLink = false,
  this.hideImage = false,
  this.hideCode = true,
  this.hideBulletedList = false,
  this.hideNumberedList = false,
  this.hideCheckbox = true,
  this.hideQuote = false,
  this.hideHorizontalRule = false,
  this.showTooltips = true,
  this.headingTooltip = 'Heading',
  this.boldTooltip = 'Bold',
  this.italicTooltip = 'Italic',
  this.strikethroughTooltip = 'Strikethrough',
  this.linkTooltip = 'Link',
  this.imageTooltip = 'Image',
  this.codeTooltip = 'Code',
  this.bulletedListTooltip = 'Bulleted list',
  this.numberedListTooltip = 'Numbered list',
  this.checkboxTooltip = 'Checkbox',
  this.quoteTooltip = 'Quote',
  this.horizontalRuleTooltip = 'Horizontal rule',