NotificationSchedule constructor

  1. required String timeZone,
  2. bool allowWhileIdle = false,
  3. bool repeats = false,
  4. bool preciseAlarm = false,
  5. int delayTolerance = 600000,

Constructs a NotificationSchedule with various scheduling options.

timeZone: Specifies the time zone reference for the schedule. allowWhileIdle: Determines if the notification should be sent even in critical device situations like low battery. repeats: Specifies whether the notification should repeat. preciseAlarm: Requires precise scheduling, which may consume more battery. Needs explicit permission on Android 12+. delayTolerance: Specifies the delay tolerance in milliseconds for scheduling notifications.


    {required this.timeZone,
    this.allowWhileIdle = false,
    this.repeats = false,
    this.preciseAlarm = false,
    this.delayTolerance = 600000});