getNextDate abstract method

Future<DateTime?> getNextDate(
  1. NotificationSchedule schedule, {
  2. DateTime? fixedDate,

Gets the next valid date for a notification schedule. The schedule parameter is a valid NotificationSchedule model that specifies the notification schedule. The optional fixedDate parameter is a DateTime value that represents the reference date to simulate a schedule in a different time. If this parameter is omitted, the reference date will be set to the current date and time.

This method returns a Future that resolves to a DateTime value that represents the next valid date for the notification schedule. If the notification schedule has expired or is invalid, the method will return null. If the notification schedule is a one-time event, the method will return the event's date and time. If the notification schedule is a repeating event, the method will return the next valid date and time for the event.


Future<DateTime?> getNextDate(
  NotificationSchedule schedule, {
  DateTime? fixedDate,