showNotificationConfigPage method

  1. @override
Future<void> showNotificationConfigPage({
  1. String? channelKey,

Opens the notification configuration page for the app.

The optional channelKey parameter is a String that represents the key of the notification channel for which to show the configuration page. If this parameter is omitted, the page for the default notification channel will be shown.

This method returns a Future that resolves when the notification configuration page was opened. The user can then configure the notification settings for the app, such as disabling or enabling notifications, changing the notification sound or vibration pattern, and so on.

On iOS, as there is no channels specification page, it always open the default configuration page.

This method can be used to provide a way for users to easily access and manage the notification settings for your app. For example, you might open this pages in case you need to require the user a special notification feature activated, or add a button to your app's settings page that calls this method when tapped, or include a prompt in your app to encourage users to visit the notification settings page to enable notifications.


Future<void> showNotificationConfigPage({String? channelKey}) async {
  await methodChannel.invokeMethod(