AwesomeGradiantFont constructor

const AwesomeGradiantFont(
  1. String text, {
  2. required Gradient gradient,
  3. TextStyle? style,

It is the root widget of your application.


const AwesomeGradiantFont(
  /// The [Text] widget to display.
  /// this is text
  /// is used to description
  this.text, {
  /// The colors the gradient should obtain at each of the stops.
  /// If [stops] is non-null, this list must have the same length as [stops].
  /// This list must have at least two colors in it (otherwise, it's not a
  /// gradient!).
  required this.gradient,

  ///  It is used to make the font bold or italic in appearance.
  ///  It determines the text's thickness.
  ///  It determines the text's size.
  ///  It is used to specify the font's typeface. We must first download a typeface file for our project and save it in the assets/font folder. Finally, set up the pubspec.yaml file so that it can be used in the project.
  ///  It is used to make the font bold or italic in appearance
  ///  It is used to determine the text's colour.
  ///  It's used to figure out how far apart the text's characters are.
  ///  It is used to indicate the distance between two text words.
  ///  	It's used to create a background for the text.
  ///  We use the three parameters decoration, decorationColor, and decorationStyle to decorate text. The decoration determines the location. ‘decorationColor’ specifies the colour and ‘decorationStyle’ specifies the shape.
  ///  whole properties included in this package,