ThemeExt extension



appBarTheme AppBarTheme
performs a simple Theme.of(context).appBarTheme action and returns given appBarTheme
no setter
backgroundColor Color
performs a simple Theme.of(context).backgroundColor action and returns given backgroundColor
no setter
bodyLarge TextStyle?
Middle size of the body styles.
no setter
bodyMedium TextStyle?
Middle size of the body styles.
no setter
bodySmall TextStyle?
Smallest of the body styles.
no setter
bottomAppBarTheme BottomAppBarTheme
performs a simple Theme.of(context).bottomAppBarTheme action and returns given bottomAppBarTheme
no setter
bottomSheetTheme BottomSheetThemeData
performs a simple Theme.of(context).bottomSheetTheme action and returns given bottomSheetTheme
no setter
displayLarge TextStyle?
Largest of the display styles.
no setter
displayMedium TextStyle?
Middle size of the display styles.
no setter
displaySmall TextStyle?
Smallest of the display styles.
no setter
dividerColor Color
The color of Dividers and PopupMenuDividers, also used between ListTiles, between rows in DataTables, and so forth.
no setter
focusColor Color
The focus color used indicate that a component has the input focus.
no setter
headlineLarge TextStyle?
Largest of the headline styles.
no setter
headlineMedium TextStyle?
Middle size of the headline styles.
no setter
headlineSmall TextStyle?
Smallest of the headline styles.
no setter
hoverColor Color
The hover color used to indicate when a pointer is hovering over a component.
no setter
labelLarge TextStyle?
Largest of the label styles.
no setter
labelMedium TextStyle?
Middle size of the label styles.
no setter
labelSmall TextStyle?
Smallest of the label styles.
no setter
primaryColor Color
performs a simple Theme.of(context).primaryColor action and returns given primaryColor
no setter
primaryColorDark Color
A darker version of the primaryColor.
no setter
primaryColorLight Color
A lighter version of the primaryColor.
no setter
primaryTextTheme TextTheme
performs a simple Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme action and returns given primaryTextTheme
no setter
scaffoldBackgroundColor Color
The default color of the Material that underlies the Scaffold. The background color for a typical material app or a page within the app.
no setter
textTheme TextTheme
no setter
theme ThemeData
performs a simple Theme.of(context) action and returns given result
no setter
titleLarge TextStyle?
Largest of the title styles.
no setter
titleMedium TextStyle?
Middle size of the title styles.
no setter
titleSmall TextStyle?
Smallest of the title styles.
no setter