CalenDart Flutter Package


The "Awesome CalenDart" Flutter package offer a calendar widget designed to enhance your Flutter applications with a stylish and functional calendar display.
The package provides the AwesomeCalenDart class, which can be easily integrated into your Flutter projects.

  • Light Mode:

  • Dark Mode:


Import the package

import 'package:awesome_calendart/awesome_calendart.dart';

Instantiate the AwesomeCalenDart widget

  isDarkMode: true,
  borderRadius: 16.0,
  elevation: 4.0,


  • isDarkMode (optional): A boolean parameter indicating whether the calendar should use a dark mode theme. If true, the calendar will be styled with a dark color scheme; otherwise, it will use a light color scheme. Default is false.
  • borderRadius (optional): A double parameter specifying the border radius of the calendar widget. This controls the rounded corners of the calendar. Default is 8.0.
  • elevation (optional): A double parameter representing the elevation of the calendar. This controls the shadow effect beneath the calendar. Default is 2.0.