positions library
The main purpose of positions is to define the coordinates of each stacked widget.
- InfoItem
- Info item Usually has information about hidden items. Something like: (+5)
- InfoItemPosition
- InfoItemPosition consists coordinates, order and information about last (information) item
- ItemPosition
- ItemPosition consists coordinates, order
- Positions
- Base interface for positions.
- RestrictedAmountPositions
- Defines coordinates of common items and an information item as RestrictedAmountPositions and has maxAmountItems which means only maxAmountItems items will be shown maximum.
- RestrictedPositions
- Defines coordinates of common items and an information item. The height of elements is defined by _height of the area. Has coverage and align settings.
- StackLaying
- The way to tile items.
- LayoutDirection
- A direction of laying the items
- StackAlign
- Whether and how to align avatars horizontally.