A Flutter plugin for managing the autostart permission feature on Android devices.
- Check if the autostart permission feature is available on the device.
- Get the autostart permission by opening the autostart settings activity.
- Check the autostart permission state (specific to MIUI devices).
- Retrieve the list of whitelisted packages (specific to MIUI devices).
Getting Started
Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
autostarter: ^0.0.2
Import the package :
import 'package:autostarter/autostarter.dart';
Check Availability of Autostart Permission Feature :
bool? isAvailable = await Autostarter.isAutoStartPermissionAvailable();
if (isAvailable == true) {
// Autostart permission feature is available on the device
} else {
// Autostart permission feature is not available on the device
Request Autostart Permission :
await Autostarter.getAutoStartPermission(open: true, newTask: false);
Check Autostart Permission State (MIUI Devices) :
bool? isAutoStartEnabled = await Autostarter.checkAutoStartState();
if (isAutoStartEnabled == true) {
// Autostart permission is enabled on MIUI devices
} else {
// Autostart permission is disabled on MIUI devices
Get Whitelisted Packages (MIUI Devices) :
List<String> whitelistedPackages = await Autostarter.getWhitelistedPackages();
// Do something with the whitelisted package list
Acknowledgments :
Thanks to the original Android native author judemanutd and XomaDev for the inspiration and codebase.
Feel free to modify the content according to your project's requirements.